Hello my dear readers! I’m sorry for lack of posts and updates, but except from no internet connection or barely being online, I have decided that I needed a break from everything and that I have deserved one. Every post before my holidays, I have been just counting days until my holidays to recharge my batteries and it took me a few days to realise that I need to take a break from everything, not just photography, but also blogging and that world doesn’t really care if I’m not posting 3,5,7 times a week as long as I do keep on writing at some point 🙂
I did had great holidays and I’m now back home but I feel that they were too short and am already looking at the new flight tickets for August. Sometimes, we all deserve a break and we are the only ones who can “force” ourselves to take a break. Break is good… Break makes you stop for a moment, take a step back and look at your life and future plans from a whole another point of view. I feel that I need more of that… I feel that before holidays, I was very confused for months and while planning the future, I was also very scared at the same time and didn’t know how to cope with everything that’s coming, esp. now in Fall with our mini move to NYC and New York Film Academy. Now, that I did take a break and have just enjoyed my holidays, I do have a whole different “picture” in my head and feel more confident in my plans, believes, etc.
Sometimes, we need somebody to tell us to slow down, because not always when we slow down means that we’re “loosing” something or going backwards… Sometimes, that’s exactly what we need to go forward.
So, starting tomorrow, I’m back to my usual posting, but I feel that I have now much more fresh mindset and this way I can also make my blog look and feel fresh too 🙂
I’m also at some point throughout this Summer going to change the layout completely and am very excited to see this little space develop to a new level.
Have a fabulous Sunday and remember to just chill!! 🙂 Much love!
Ma naravno 🙂 I ja brojim dane do odmora i ne mogu ga docekati jer mi uzasno treba…ove sam godine bas nekako bljuf i treba mi vrijeme za sebe i vrijeme za sina… vise od par sati koje imam preko godine…
Ova vam je fotkica divna i jedna od najdrazih s odmora…predivne ste 😉
Da… Apsolutno te shvacam. Par sati za sebe ili za kvalitetno druzenje sa nasim malim andjelima nije dovoljno da bi se napunile baterije i da bi bile ispunjene kao mame.
Ovaj odmor me spasio da doslovce ne pregorim i da provedem zabavno i inspirativno vrijeme kako sa kceri tako i sa muzem, starim prijateljima, bracom, mamom… Dva tjedna je premalo ali je svejedno bilo dovoljno da napravi veliku razliku u tome kako se osijecam na dnevnoj bazi. Sretno s ljetovanjem, nadam se da ce brzo stici i da ce ti pomoci kao i meni <3
awww. how cute is this photo
Hi dear! You are sooo right, I wish you a great Sunday!
Big kiss from Italy
The Spiral D
Facebook page
Yes! Relax sweetie 🙂 That photo is super duper cute. Kisses <3
Drago mi je čuti da si se lijepo odmorila i napunila baterije za sve što slijedi, kako u blogosferi tako i stvarnom životu :)) Svima nam je s vremena na vrijeme potreban kratki predah od svega, da ulovimo malo vremena za stati na loptu, porazmisliti o svemu i posvetiti se sebi i najdražim ljudima koji nas okružuju kako bismo mogli normalno funkcionirati.
lovely blog dear 🙂
Found your blog randomly and I’d like to say it’s fabulous! You have amazing photos & style! Everything is perfect!
would you like to follow each other?
will be happy to see you in my blog!
Nice pic!! 😀
My Showroom
nice to hear that you had a relaxing holiday 🙂
Sometimes a break is an excellent idea. I hope you had a wonderful holiday!
A break is sometimes needed. Cute picture!
Yay, sometimes we all need a break!
Glad you enjoyed your holidays and you’ve had a well deserved break. Beautiful photo.
Mislim da nam se svima nekad čini da ne možemo držati korak sa svijetom, a zaboravimo da to i nije moguće. Meni se često dogodi da se osjećam izvan toka, ali tko zaista može pratiti (upratiti kako kažu u Mostaru) sve što se događa? (nekad ne znam ni sama što mi se događa u glavi, a kamoli svima ostalima). Svi mi imamo neke želje i planove, a onda to treba uskladiti sa sto stvari.
Nekako mi se čini kad sama sebe požurujem da sam i najmanje produktivna i na kraju najmanje toga obavim, a stalno si vrtim u glavi sve što trebam obaviti. Nekad i mali odmor puno znači, jedna mala kava ili šetnja…i onda osjetim da mogu i ono što sam mislila da ne mogu…
ovo si jako pametno napisala:) i priušti sebi trenutke odmora svakodnevno, ne samo na godišnjem!
Cute pictures! Sometimes we need a break!
All About Belt Reviews
Lovely pics! Hope you have relaxing moments!
All About Gloves