

Outfit post – Rainy day

October 15, 2014

Hello everybody! Here’s an outfit post which I wore last week in Helsinki. We had couple of rainy and cloudy days, not to mention chilly ones too, so I couldn’t force myself to go outside and shoot these outfit photos so I have decided to take them indoors, at a shopping mall…Yeah, I know, very inspiring and so not fashionable, but this “location” will do for this post 😉

I’m really much in a hurry and under stress while being here in Croatia, but it feels really nice to be in my old home town and just see people and places I’ve grown up with + know so well… I could never live here again and I don’t usually miss this place, but when the melancholy hits, it’s good to be in the place that you’re thinking about.

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Outfits, Travel

Travel diary: Day 1

October 14, 2014

Good evening my dear readers! I’m writing you from Croatia and even though, not the most luckiest occasions have brought me here, it feels good to be in my old hometown, not to mention the lovely and very warm weather. Good change from chilly Helsinki!

I took a flight very early this morning so I’m very tired while writing this post, but I want to keep on publishing daily as part of already mentioned my Blogtober so here’s just a quick post to “say hello” and show you couple of moments that have made my day.

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Outfit post – Fix you

October 13, 2014

Good morning everyone!!! Here’s to a great start of the week, we all need some good luck, don’t we!? 🙂

Speaking of luck… I haven’t had much luck lately. Everything that could fall apart, it pretty much did… As some of you know, I was supposed to start with my photography course at New York Film Academy at the end of this month, but that won’t happen… Not yet, as I had to change my plans and decide a lot of things in a very short amount of time. I still WILL BE attending the photography course at NYFA as school was very cool about me needing to switch the course dates, so I’ll be attending the academy in the beginning of the next year. Not everything is lost and it’s this one little spark of light that makes me happy and gives me something to look forward to. Due to sickness in my family, I had to change my plans and I’m glad that I did and that’s also a reason why I’m flying out to Croatia tomorrow…

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Gourmet moment: Pizza

October 12, 2014

Good Sunday evening everyone! Believe it or not but I’m still fighting with my flu or whatever you wanna call it. I have that “sexy” no voice kind of thing going on and yucky cough. Let’s see how long this will last for as I’m avoiding any medicines and antibiotics and only sticking to the natural medicine such as litres of hot green tea, lemon and honey.

However, I did find some energy to make a pizza from scratch. After all, what’s a weekend without a slice of delicious pizza?!

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October 11, 2014

“There is a truth deep down inside of you that has been waiting                          
for you to discover it, and that truth is this: you deserve
all good things life has to offer.”

– Rhonda Byrne, The Secret

Have a great weekend everyone!!!



Breast cancer awareness

October 10, 2014

Good afternoon my dear readers! I hope that this day has been treating you well and that you’re ready for a weekend. I’m so ready to have a good weekend and get out of the house as I’ve been just laying in bed for days, feeling bad and fighting the flu. I still don’t have my voice back and I’m still feeling sick but at least fever is gone.

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Outfit post – Fly away

October 9, 2014

I do love to see everything as positive as I can and always, always find beauty and happiness in the smallest things but today… I just feel like crap, so I’ll just hang on with my crappy day, be lazy, maybe read some book, hopefully get over this damn flu and cold and feel much better tomorrow and more positive. I guess sometimes you just need a break, bit longer than what I usually allow myself to have which is about 2-3 hours maximum. My body and mind need a good reboot and I shall listen to them for once 🙂

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What’s in my bag?

October 8, 2014

Good Wednesday morning everyone! I’m super sick, down with the flu and haven’t slept much, but the Blogtober posting is going on strong. 🙂

For today, I’ve decided to show you what I had inside my bag yesterday. I have emptied the bag and am sowing you the “real situation” that was going on inside my Balenciaga. Sometimes, I have more stuff than this, sometimes a little bit less, but this is about what you could usually find inside my bag.

Which items are you carrying inside your bag? Any same ones as me?


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Gourmet moment: Tzatziki dip

October 7, 2014

Here’s to the Tuesday and another Blogtober post! I’m so proud of myself for sticking to everyday posting, esp. since I’ve been dealing with so much for the past few weeks and for the past week we’ve experienced flu, ear infection, eye infection and fractured collar bone ( my daughter )… I don’t wanna start sounding too negative, but I just couldn’t believe that so much bad luck can happen in such a short amount of time. Blogging every day and reading your comments makes me very happy and keeps my mind focused on the good “stuff” 🙂

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Outfit post – Valentino

October 6, 2014

Good day everybody! How are you my dear readers? How was your weekend? I’ve started this day by going to the gym pretty much straight from the bed. It’s a wonderful thing to start my day by getting some sweat on as it sets my day and the rest of the week on a great, positive and “strong” note. Do you workout at the gym? If you do, are you more of a morning goer or an evening one?

For today’s post, I’ve prepared an outfit for you which I wore last week when we still had some sun show up here and there. I have a feeling that Fall is in full swing in Helsinki and my coats are out of the boxes and part of my every day outfits.

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