

Outfit post – Blue on blue

October 30, 2013

Good Wednesday everyone! I’m writing this post while sipping on my favourite Pukka tea and daydreaming about upcoming holidays. Isn’t it crazy that in two days we’ll enter the month of November? I can’t believe how fast this year flew by.

I have lots of plans for the weekend, so I’m very much looking forward to Saturday when me and my sister will go out and hopefully have lots of fun on two shows we’re planning to check out πŸ™‚

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Outfit post – Poncho

October 28, 2013

Happy Monday!!

My Monday kicked off by going to the gym and for me, that’s one of the best ways to not just start your day but a whole new week.

This day wasn’t super shiny happy one and the weather is pretty bad, esp. after switching clocks one hour backwards over the weekend and it messed up the inner clock + the daylight is almost non existent, very short and mainly rainy, BUT… I have learned that it’s all about how you look at the things and how you deal with them is what makes the difference.

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Outfit ideas – Paint it black

October 25, 2013

Hello everyone and happy Friday πŸ™‚ I’ve been “playing” at Polyvore a little bit and I made these three collages which I would like to share with you. Wanting or not, liking it or not but black is in full swing this season. Black is the new black as they say. Do you have your “black” go to outfit?

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Outfit post – Do what you want

October 23, 2013

Seems like mid of the week always comes faster than what I can think of it. It’s almost the end of October and next week will be all about Halloween. Are you prepared for it? Do you celebrate it or do you just skip the whole thing?

I haven’t been fan of Halloween before but since my daughter grew up a little bit, all of the holidays, including Halloween got a whole new feel and now I’m as excited as she is πŸ™‚ I’ve bought some small house decor and will bake a special Halloween cupcakes next week.

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Outfit post – Spacebound

October 21, 2013

Good Monday everyone!!

How was your weekend? Mine was pretty low key. On Saturday I have celebrated my 26th b-day over the cake in a cafe downtown and on Sunday I went to see a movie in the cinema. I’m looking forward to the real b-day celebration in two weeks, it’s going to be so much fun πŸ™‚

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Beauty, Food, Lifestyle, Outfits

Birthday + Instagram diary

October 19, 2013

Happy birthday to me πŸ˜€ On this day, 26 years ago I was born in Moscow, Russia and even though I was very close to be dead while coming to this world, some higher power has decided that I was meant to live, so here I am πŸ™‚

Thank you everybody on your sweet and kind comments on my previous post, you all made me feel better.

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Never let me go… Thoughts on turning 26

October 18, 2013

This month has been really weird for me… I’ve been more emotional and stressed out than usual, days have passed by faster than I could say “days” and I still had constant feeling that I haven’t done enough or not as fast as I have expected. Not a single one of these almost 19 days of October, that I have felt energised and I have lacked motivation for pretty much anything. Maybe it’s been the change of the seasons, the cold, the shortage of daylight… but I think that the big reason why I have felt like this is because I knew that I’m turning 26 this month.

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Outfit post – Survival

October 16, 2013

Happy Wednesday!

Hope that you’re all doing well. I just came back from the gym and a quick visit to Italian market on one of the squares in the city. I will visit it more thoroughly tomorrow so check out my Instagram for some nice photos πŸ™‚ I got fresh garlic goat’s cheese and old and mature Gouda which I can’t wait to use in my meals. I saw some amazing looking cannolis so I’ll get those tomorrow!

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Outfit post – The cape

October 14, 2013

Good morning everyone! It’s the beginning of the new working week and I’m kicking mine off by going to the gym, running errands and making plans, setting deadlines, etc. for my photography.

How was your weekend? I had great time with friends and family. This coming weekend is my birthday and I can’t believe that it’s already that time of the year when I’ll once again turn a year older. Where does the time fly… seriously?

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Life in colours of a rainbow

October 11, 2013

Happy Friday afternoon and the beginning of the weekend! I have decided to write a bit different post today, which I like to do every once in a while. Something completely non-fashion related but very much related to the lifestyle, the one that I lead or strive to lead.

I got very inspired couple of days ago by my little soon to be 5 years old daughter. I don’t mention her on blog often, but now I just have to because that little human being has thought me so much about life, love and patience. She has opened my eyes and made me love life the way I never did before or though that it could ever be possible.

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