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Lifestyle, Outfits

Coco brooch

July 5, 2015

Good Monday morning dear people! How are you all doing? To my American readers, I’d like to wish a happy Independence Day and I hope that your weekend was filled with festivities and in company of your families.

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Finnish Summer

June 28, 2015

Hello sweet Monday! I’m back to Helsinki from my Summer holidays in Croatia and after a weekend spent in a hotel, I’m now staying in Helsinki’s countryside for a little bit to chill, (wash my clothes 😀 ) re-organise all of the stuff that I have inside 5 travelling bags and to collect all of the energy that I can for everything that’s about to come in the following months working wise.

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Food, Lifestyle, Travel

Byebye Croatia

June 25, 2015

Good morning everybody! My holidays in Croatia have come to an end and past three weeks have been absolutely amazing. I got to relax, recharge and get rid of nastiness of jet lag from LA. Lots of sun, some swimming, being by the sea every day and different day-to-day life was just what I needed after hustle and bustle of LA’s streets.

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Lifestyle, Travel

Life lately

June 21, 2015

Hello my dear readers! How are you doing? Did you have a nice Midsummer weekend? I have usually spent past 6-7 Midsummers in Finland and it’s a big “thing” over there, but this time around as you know already, I’m in Croatia and in the city I’m staying at ( my old hometown ) Sibenik, it was the city’s birthday and an opening of International Children’s Festival for the 55th time.

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Lifestyle, Outfits, Travel

Isabel girl

June 18, 2015

I can’t believe that it’s already Friday and that in less than a week, my Summer holidays will be over. :/ They flew by so fast and I will definitely try to maximise every day until the end of the holidays and try to just soak up every moment of swimming, laying on the beach, eating ice cream and so on.

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Lifestyle, Outfits, Travel

Little white dress

June 15, 2015

Oh hi Monday! You surely come way too fast! 🙂 I do like Mondays and a feeling of a new week ( or day ) starting, but Mondays are always a reminder for me of everything I was planning to do and didn’t had time to do, everything I needed to get done and have postponed… Comes Monday and I remember that there’s never enough time to do everything unless there’s a real good schedule/ organisation involved.

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Lifestyle, Outfits, Travel

Summertime uniform

June 9, 2015

Good morning dear people! The sun is shining in beautiful city of Sibenik and I’m about to do my usual morning rituals such as visiting the Farmer’s Market, sit down for coffee and do some people watching, stroll through the city to my favourite health store and make a nice lunch before I hit the beach.

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