Wuh! What a week I’ve had… Lots of things happened, but one of the main ones was that I half of my tooth fell off out of nowhere, so I had to rush into hospital to get it fixed and there they discovered that I had another 5 ( FIVE ) teeth that needed to be taken care of, so I’ve already been twice at the private dentist to get my teeth in order and I still have to go two more times. Crazy! Something like this should have never happened, but I never had any problems in my life with my teeth, not even a toothache, always had great mouth hygiene and then BAM!, I have half of my tooth in my hand.
I got pretty much “knocked” by the anaesthetics yesterday that half of my face didn’t go back to normal until this morning, so I really looked ridiculous and couldn’t eat or drink properly.
Today was such a nice and sunny day, so I couldn’t wait to wear some a little bit lighter clothes. I don’t remember when was the last time I wore polka dotted tights and I loved how these brought a nice touch to the whole outfit.
I will have a nice and relaxing day tomorrow and I’m so much in need of such day. How about your Friday? Any plans?
I’m wearing: Boots – Clarks, Tights – Falke, Skirt – American Vintage, Top – Burberry, Cardigan & scarf – Zara, Bag – Celine, Coat – By Malene Birger, Ring – Deni design, Necklace – Diana Broussard, Bracelet – MBMJ
nice look
sounds stressful about your teeth. hope all goes well-and that it’s not too expensive
Perfect look Natali!
Love this look – necklace looks great in this combo!!:)
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Awesome look <3
Nice pics too
loving this look <3
Oh, poor you, sometimes it is more about genetics with teeth than the the best hygiene. I hope your dentist is really good.
And you look great as usually, I love the cardigan!
Your layers are amazing, love everything
Great look! I love this scarf. xx
You look stunning !
super cool look dear!!
follow me on https://laviecestchic.blogspot.it
Super awesome pics
<3 Nice outfit too -head to toe-
the vest is awesome
great outfit, love it
and amazing photos!
you look so beautiful
have a great day hun! xoxo
Ajme što ja ne volim zubare, totalna me frka lovi svaki put kad moram otići (što je, na sreću, stvarno rijetko, ali sad kad vidim što se tebi dogodilo mi samo govori da nema nikakvog pravila), nadam se da ćeš ubrzo srediti i ostale zube pa da si mirna :))
Super izgledaš, baš mi se sve sviđa, pogotovo šal!
Lovely outfit
love your tights! :*
Wow i don’t really know what I like the most of this outfit, it is just perfect, love the wrap skirt, the cardigan, the boots, just perfect
Would you like to follow each other?
Beautiful style. I love the scarf, reminds me of the Maasai back at home.
Poor you, hope you’re feeling better now. Have a relaxing weekend. I love this lighter outfit especially the cardigan.
everything looks great! love the cardigan and big chain necklace !!
You look fantastic. ♡ Hope to see you up on hug-you.com ♡
Have a nice weekend!
Gorgeous look, love your bag!
Keep in touch on BLOGLOVIN
Ogrlica i torba mi se najviše dopadaju!
Everithing looks perfcet together
New post on my blog —> urbanfashionstylee.blogspot.com
me gusta mucho!!
aqui os dejo mi blog : https://itsjarina.blogspot.com.es/ hace muy poco que lo tengo acepto cualquier consejo <33
Love the outfit, you look very chic
I love your scarf and the coat ! Nice pictures, keep up the good work
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You won’t regret it =D
love this look!!!
Me encanta como lo has combinado todo y arriesgas con estampados diferentes.
Me encanta como lo has combinado todo y arriesgas con estampados diferentes.
Ja malo kasnim s komentarima ali znas kako je kad dan ima samo 24 h
Bas mi je zao zbog zubiju…meni nema gorega od zubara ali se tjeram redovito na preglede…Ovo mi je jedna od drazih tvojih kombinacija u zadnje vrijeme, stvarno si divna od glave do pete ♡
the red lips looks gd on you
Beautiful bag!