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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

The wall

April 6, 2015

Happy Easter Monday everybody! How are your holidays? I hope that you’re on a long weekend break and that you had possibility to spend your time with your families and friends. I had a very confusing Easter this year, because it was nothing like I used to have it before… I would either spend it in Croatia or in Finland and always surrounded with family and relatives, but this time, in LA that wasn’t possible so I have tried to just live this day the best I could and try not to be too melancholic about some past times and traditions…

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits


April 1, 2015

It’s Thursday evening AND it’s 1st of April!? Say what? Nope, it can’t be that it’s been a month since I have arrived to LA?! This month literally flew by right in front of my eyes. Whole March was all about huge, life changing moments, filled with stress, happiness, really bad jet lag, being scared, being on a natural high, couple of really good cries, exploring the streets of LA and much more… As you can see, it was filled with lots of highs and lows which were plentiful and sometimes hard to deal with.

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