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Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

August 5, 2016


Good Friday or shall I write FRI-YAY everybody?! 🙂 I’m bringing you yet another” 5 for Friday” post. I’m kind of glad that this week is going to it’s end, the beginning of August caught me off guard and it was kind of a weird week, lots of work and errands, too little sleep and missing a good weather.

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Lifestyle, My Work

Five things

February 25, 2016

Good morning dear readers! This Friday I wanted to write a bit different kind of post. Five things that make me happy lately. When it’s cold and dark outside for many months, it’s easy to feel bit lethargic, unmotivated, etc. I have tried to “cope” with the Winter the best way I know of, by surrounding myself with things and people that make me feel great, give me the drive, motivation and an over all great feeling when I’m with them or doing those, mood lifting things.

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