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Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

January 13, 2017

Good Friday everybody! The beginning of this year didn’t start off as productively for my blog as I have hoped for it. Being sick for this whole week and on a strict bed rest, I haven’t had time and energy to produce anything. I’ve been just laying in bed, being super sick and miserable, making only one “trip” out of the bed and it was to the toilet and back.

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Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

November 4, 2016

Hah! What a quick change from just a week ago when I wrote about gloomy and rainy weather in my previous “5 for Friday” post!?! We got first snow in Helsinki and that marked Winter’s arrival! As if I wasn’t already unprepared for the cold weather, 1st snow got me by surprise and even though I had almost twice slipped and risked a bad fall on the ice, I do love the fact that the sky had cleared up, some sun came out and I got to see a proper daylight after a while…

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Beauty, Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

October 7, 2016

Hello Friday! I’m loving you already, because I’m in a big, thick need of a good and relaxing weekend. I do have to run quite a few errands because I’m having an important and very long Monday with two different photo shoots and settings, so a lot has yet to be done… BUT! I will do my best to have a chilled weekend. I felt like the past 1 and half months were so hectic and filled with so much on my schedule, all the time that I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that my birthday is in less than 2 weeks. Say what?!

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