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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

CLUSE watches

July 11, 2016


I’m 28 and am only 3 months away from my 29th birthday. I can honestly say that I’m excited to start the last year of my 20s. I’m loving the woman I’m becoming and I’m loving the outlook on life I’ve been carving by collecting all of the ups and downs, learning about my weaknesses and recognising my strengths… I don’t know why is everybody making a big deal about 30s because I can’t wait for my 30s and all of the smarts and confidence that come with them.

Olen 28 vuotias ja 3 kuukauden päässä 29 vuotis synttäreistäni. Ja voin rehellisesti sanoa että olen innoissani siitä että viimeinen vuosi on alkamassa ennen kolmekyppisiäni. Rakastan sitä naista joksi minä olen muuttumassa. Ja rakastan sitä elämänkatsomusta jota olen veistämässä itselleni keräämällä ylä- ja alamäkiä matkallani. Opin ymmärtämään heikkouteni ja vahvuuteni… En oikeen ymmärrä sitä että miksi kaikki tekevät siitä niin suuren numeron että täyttää kolmekymmentä. Maltan tuskin odottaa sitä hetkeä ja sitä viisautta ja itsevarmuutta jonka se tuo mukanaan.

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Ask me

March 21, 2016

Happy Spring everybody!!! It surely doesn’t feel like Spring is yet in Helsinki, but we’re getting there, we are.. 😀 I’m super excited about finally being able to pull out lighter clothes from my closet, ditch the Winter boots for many months and start planning all sorts of outdoor activities that I love to do in Spring, such as picnics in the city parks and long strolls all over the city or by the beach.

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Blue Monday

December 13, 2015

One of my favourite songs by New Order and one of my favourite “old” classics that I can listen to over and over again without ever getting bored. Quite danceable song for this Monday morning and it totally fits my mood as I have landed in Croatia yesterday and it feels great to wake up all refreshed and with tons of wishes to tick off from my wish list! Super small things, the ones that make life beautiful, such as going to my favourite people at the Farmer’s Market to buy all of the fresh and local produce, having a coffee break in favourite cafe…. Just walking around and totally blending in with the vibe of the small city and it’s “no rush” mentality.

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