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Food, Lifestyle, My Work

Gourmet moment: Citrus chicken

October 5, 2016

As you might have already noticed, I love to cook at home and create new as well as re-create some of my all time favourite dishes. The recipe which I’ll share with you today is one of the ultimate favourites in my family and everybody loves it equally as much. I love to prepare it on Sunday, when I usually feel really lazy but I still want to cook something healthy, so this recipe then comes in as a perfect saviour since it doesn’t require much time spent by the stove and oven, but the outcome is always a super delicious one.

Kuten olet jo ehkä saattanut huomata. Minä rakastan ruoan laittamista kotona. Rakastan kehitellä uusia, kuin myös muuttaa jo valmiita ruoka annoksia. Resepti minkä jaan tänään teidän kanssanne on yksi perheeni suosikeista. Ja kaikki meidän perheessämme ovat siihen yhtä ihastuneita. Haluan yleensä valmistaa tämän ruoka annoksen Sunnuntaisin. Sillä se on yleensä se päivä jolloin tunnen itseni laiskaksi, mutta haluaisin silti valmistaa jotakin terveellistä ruokaa. Tämä annos on siihen tarkoitukseen täydellinen, sillä se ei vaadi paljon aikaa hellan ja uunin äärellä. Mutta lopputulos on silti todella herkullinen.

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Food, Lifestyle, My Work

Smoked salmon soup

August 3, 2016


Ever since moving to Finland about 9 and half years ago, I had a chance to try many salmon soups. Finland is very well known to serve some of the best salmon soups in the world, but I wasn’t as impressed with that many as I was expecting. Out of all of the restaurants, cafes and even some home cooked salmon soups, there were maybe 2-3 of them which made me feel like I’ve been eating something really special and delicious.

Muutettuani Suomeen noin 9 ja puoli vuotta sitten. Olen saanut maistaa monen monta lohikeittoa. Suomi on tosi tunnettu maailman parhaista lohikeitoistaan, se on jo käsite maailmalla. Mutta en ollut loppujen lopuksi hirveän vakuuttunut monestakaan kokeilemasta keitosta. Kaikista ravintoloiden, kahviloiden ja jopa kotitekoisista keitoista, ehkä 2-3 saivat minut tunteman että olen syönyt jotakin todella erikoista ja herkullista.

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Food, Lifestyle

Pasta Puttanesca

July 24, 2015

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a recipe here on my blog so I thought to share one of my favourite pasta recipes to date. I’m a huge pasta fan and I’ve grown up on pasta prepared in million ways. Being raised in a small city on the Croatian seaside, which was heavily influenced by Italy and Italian cuisine, I can proudly say that I had a privilege of eating the best pastas through my whole childhood so I have a very fine taste when it comes to how I like my pastas and sauces that come with it.

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