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Lifestyle, My Work

Merry Christmas

December 24, 2016

Dear readers, I’d like to wish you a peaceful and beautiful Christmas. May it be the best one so far, filled with smiles and cheers of your loved ones as well as lots of cozy moments at home, by the Christmas tree and delicious food at the Christmas table.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

The joy of giving

December 19, 2016

It’s the most wonderful time of the year they say… I couldn’t but notice this weekend that magic has been bit “thrown” aside and the craziness of shopping everything and anything, pushing in the overcrowded shops and such has taken over everybody… Everywhere!

While I’m “guilty” of shopping last minute for the Christmas presents and thinking of people whom I love and what I want them to receive on these holidays… I had to just stop for a moment and think of what is it that Christmas is all about? What is the true essence of it?

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