Hello everybody and greetings from sunny Croatia!! I’m here for my friend’s wedding day which is tomorrow and I’m very excited to see her take a big step in her life like this one. I’m also looking forward to just relaxing and having some fun with close friends.
I’m also here for some work and small projects which I can’t wait to talk to you about. Most of it is still “under construction”, but already next week, I’ll be kickin’ off the first assignment. 🙂 Keep an eye on this space because Croatia is a big time “hotspot” as the world’s most wanted Summer destination this year.
5 for Friday is my little roundup of 5 favourite Instagram photos which I took over the past week and if you wish to follow me daily and see what I’m up to, then def. follow me up at natakar .
Since I have a lot to do and prepare for tomorrow’s wedding celebrations, I’ll take off now, but stay tuned for so much more to come. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend everybody!