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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

When I’m gone

November 21, 2016

Some years ago, I had this internal fight with myself that I have to do everything perfectly, that I need to be perfect and that only when these two are “all perfect”, I’ll get to where I want to be in life and I’ll get what I want from life… NOT!

First of all, there’s no such thing as perfection since I’m not a god, I’m just a human with tons of flaws. My flaws will be a great match to some other people’s flaws and they’ll see them as something fun, interesting and nothing near bad or disturbing. My flaws will also be of annoyance to others and since I can’t and am “too old” to want to anymore people please or try to blend in to perfectly do or fit in somewhere, I’ll rather call it a day and concentrate to get the best of my flaws and share it with people who love me for me.

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