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Lifestyle, Outfits


January 24, 2016

Just like Sia sings in her latest hit song, I feel unstoppable today! End of the last year, just before my trip to Croatia I have felt completely “squeezed out”, as if I’ve done and gave everything I had and there was no “juice” left in me anymore. Taking a month long break from almost anything and everything and a change of scenery did wonders for me. Ever since I came back two weeks ago, I’ve been feeling very inspired. I feel that I got my drive back and an aura of being unstoppable seems to be surrounding me every day!

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Electric heart

January 5, 2016

They say that creative and artsy souls are always messy people and their bedrooms/ homes/ work spaces are always in some kind of “creative” disorder but they swim wonderfully in their own unorganised world and still get everything done and come through with their plans and final product.

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