Good morning world!! How was your weekend my dear readers? My weekend was all about some soul searching, indulging in long walks outside ( we had a very sunny weekend ) and some lovely Thai food, Masaman curry with veggies being my current obsession 🙂
The outfit which I’m showing you in this post was my uniform over the weekend. I felt feminine, comfortable and yet very rock n’roll. This is also the first time I’m showing you my Pandora box by Givenchy which I got at Luxbag, a must visit store if you’re even in Helsinki and want to do some quality shopping. I’m absolutely in love with the bag, it’s so spacious and so well designed that I know without a doubt will last me for years. That’s def. one of the best things when investing in more pricy bags, if you take good care of them, they’ll last you a long time 🙂
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