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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Graphic t-shirt

May 30, 2017

Excuse my (no)scheduling of posts, so the usual “Monday post” comes a day late. Let’s just say that my life is never boring, things change in a second and I feel as if I’m always living on the edge. 😀 On some days everything looks organised and under the control, but then comes the day when everything changes upside down and suddenly nothing looks as organised and adaptation is something I have become a champion at! Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Travel

Visit Helsinki : Clarion airport hotel

May 27, 2017

How grandiose can be an airport hotel? I have always avoided staying at the airport hotels, unless that was the only option due to my flights either taking off too early or being canceled. Even with that, I have stayed at the airport hotels maybe 3 or 4 times. When I do travel abroad, I’m not your super cool “Airbnb” gal which scores big time some super cool place for the fraction of the price you’d pay for staying at 4 or 5 star hotels. When I travel, I do want to have everything ” top notch ” and feel like I’m treating myself every moment of the trip. Great hotel with the high standard services and policies is one of the major links of making the most of my trip and being 100% satisfied with the money spent on, as I like to say, pure hedonism.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

How to wear tassel earrings

May 22, 2017

It happened! Spring or should I even dare to say, Summer has finally arrived to Finland!!! Yay! I had a wonderful weekend, spent outdoors, enjoying the sun rays, birds chirping, lots of  flower blooms everywhere I turned… You wouldn’t believe the excitement when I have taken my Winter coat off and took off from my home with a dress on! Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Mother’s Day with Pandora

May 12, 2017

For the 8th year, I’m preparing to celebrate Mother’s Day this weekend… 8 years ago I was blessed to become a mom to the most beautiful, special and smartest little girl! 8 years ago, my whole world changed, life as I knew it got a whole new purpose. Becoming mama to this angel shaped me into a woman I am today.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Layered denim

May 8, 2017

Good Monday morning!! How is everybody? I have a “deep” post coming this week, so I was thinking of keeping the Monday motivation post as light as possible. 🙂 Starting from my denim jacket which couldn’t be more funkier and uplifting outerwear, don’t you think? 😀 Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Feminist Coco

May 1, 2017

Happy 1st of May my dear readers! I hope that you’re enjoying your long weekend. 1st of May always marks a new, exciting part of the year, my favourite one – summery, sunny and energetic one! From this day onwards, the weather is usually much more stable, daylight is very long and I’m just overall more excited and energetic knowing that the Summer is just around the corner. This is something I “feed off” and it makes my soul happy so my productivity levels are usually quite high at this time. 🙂

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Lifestyle, My Work, Sunday Cafe

Sunday cafe: Meet Antonia

April 30, 2017

Once upon a time, I have fell in love with the Finnish designer name Samuji. I have bought couple of their clothing pieces and was happily wearing them over and over again. I even had a collaboration with them sometime ago on my blog here . Little did I know that after randomly coming across one Instagram account and being inspired by the photos and person behind it, I was going to meet one of the “Samuji people”, Antonia!  Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

No quick fixes

April 24, 2017

Good, sunny Monday to all of you! After couple of really apocalyptic weather days, I am happy to welcome this Monday with a sun and clear blue sky. I tell you, small things… It’s about the small things people, they really do make a difference and big impact in your everyday life, pay attention to them. 😀

I have also marked a 10 years of living in Finland! I still can’t believe that this many years have passed by and that I would have stayed here for that long.  Continue Reading…

Food, Lifestyle, My Work

Visit Helsinki: Dinner at Bronda

April 22, 2017

There are some places in Helsinki to which I always gladly return to.If they happen to have great service, are in the city center and are serving a delicious food, most likely you’ll find me sitting at those places while satisfying my inner hedonist which never sleeps.  Continue Reading…