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Lifestyle, Outfits


July 26, 2015

“What if money was no object?!” What if it wasn’t as important as we think it is… ? What would you do? Who would you be? This question has really shaken me for couple of times, latest being this weekend.

How would you spend your life if money was no object?

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Coco brooch

July 5, 2015

Good Monday morning dear people! How are you all doing? To my American readers, I’d like to wish a happy Independence Day and I hope that your weekend was filled with festivities and in company of your families.

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Lifestyle, Outfits, Travel

Isabel girl

June 18, 2015

I can’t believe that it’s already Friday and that in less than a week, my Summer holidays will be over. :/ They flew by so fast and I will definitely try to maximise every day until the end of the holidays and try to just soak up every moment of swimming, laying on the beach, eating ice cream and so on.

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Lifestyle, Outfits, Travel

Summertime uniform

June 9, 2015

Good morning dear people! The sun is shining in beautiful city of Sibenik and I’m about to do my usual morning rituals such as visiting the Farmer’s Market, sit down for coffee and do some people watching, stroll through the city to my favourite health store and make a nice lunch before I hit the beach.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits


May 31, 2015

Hello from Europe everybody! I have landed safely after a very long overseas flight, long layover and a short connecting flight to Helsinki. I haven’t slept more than couple of hours altogether in the past couple of days, but I’m hoping to get rid of jet lag soon so that I can fully enjoy the good ol’ Helsinki and Croatia to the fullest.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

Santa Monica Pier

May 24, 2015

Well, hello my dear readers!! How are you? How was the weekend? It’s a long weekend here in LA, since we’re celebrating Memorial Day and Monday feels like a Sunday had hungover and decided to sleep over all the way to Tuesday. 😀

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

Right to live

May 19, 2015

Turning back and forth in my bed… It’s the middle of the night, or some would say early in the morning. No matter what I’ve tried to do ( like count the invisible sheep village ), I just can’t get myself to fall asleep again. Nice! Only 4 hours of sleep, it will be a “fun” day of zombie like looks and low energy levels. I check my phone and it’s showing 4:30 am.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

Care about me

May 12, 2015

I’m barely writing this post from my bed, meaning that it’s hard to keep my eyes open and not fall asleep. I’ve been walking for over 8 miles today and while it def. felt great to spend time outdoors and in nature, it was exhausting and I’m so ready to hit the dreamland and it’s only 9:30 pm in LA. 😀 Am I getting old or what?! Anyway, it was a great day today and I’m happy to be in this positive mood… Makes daily life so much easier to deal with and at the same time it gives me a clearer picture of my future, what I want and how to get there.

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