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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

How to style mom jeans

March 28, 2018

How to style mom jeans? That was the question which intrigued me when I spotted this particular pair of mom jeans at Zara. I love to wear jeans and I find trashed, vintage looking denim super cool too but I have never been into mom jeans, therefore I had no clue how to look effortlessly cool as many other girls do pulling off one of the biggest trends right now.  Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Easing into Autumn with Longchamp

September 19, 2017

Easing into Autumn has never been more easier thanks to Longchamp! This fun and unique mini bag is from Longchamp’s latest collection and it is already available to shop for at stores and online. One of my favourite colours is purple and I find it to be a perfect colour for Autumn.  Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Graphic t-shirt

May 30, 2017

Excuse my (no)scheduling of posts, so the usual “Monday post” comes a day late. Let’s just say that my life is never boring, things change in a second and I feel as if I’m always living on the edge. 😀 On some days everything looks organised and under the control, but then comes the day when everything changes upside down and suddenly nothing looks as organised and adaptation is something I have become a champion at! Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Layered denim

May 8, 2017

Good Monday morning!! How is everybody? I have a “deep” post coming this week, so I was thinking of keeping the Monday motivation post as light as possible. 🙂 Starting from my denim jacket which couldn’t be more funkier and uplifting outerwear, don’t you think? 😀 Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Perfect timing

April 17, 2017

Perfect timing… Is there such thing as being in the right place at the right time? I used to believe that there were those “perfect” moments in life that I had to wait for to happen. Those perfect moments, once they happen, my life will make more sense, wishes will come true and everything will fall into place like a perfect Tetris game bricks…  Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits


March 6, 2017

Oh my, what a blissful start of new working week?! The sun is shining beautifully, temp. has started to rise up slowly and the overall vibe is as if I’m on a “natural high” of vitamin D. 😀  Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Grunge cool

January 16, 2017

From my usual “Good morning everybody!”, I am going to start this post by writing good afternoon dear people from all over the world who stop by daily to check out this blog and which new posts I have prepared for you. After being completely “delusional” for over a week and fighting a super nasty virus, today is the first day that I feel much better and can think clearly again.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Patched up

July 18, 2016


Patches are very popular this season! I have seen denim, camo and bomber jackets in stores and online which have some really cute and cool patches on them. I simply couldn’t pass on getting this bomber jacket, mostly because of the patch on the back that says “dream”. Yes… I’m a dreamer… Patched up one!

Hihamerkit ovat tämän kauden trendi. Olen nähnyt vaatekaupoissa tai nettikaupoissa farkku-, camo- ja pilottitakkeja, joihin on ommeltu nättejä ja makeita hihamerkkejä. En malttanut olla hankkimatta tätä pilottitakkia, lähinnä sen selässä olevan Dreamer (uneksija) merkin takia. Kyllä…olen uneksija…paikattu uneksija.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits


June 20, 2016


Time… Accepting it or not, the fact is that our time is limited. Our time on this planet, in this lifetime is limited and we’re never promised tomorrow. We have today, but we limit our “today” and make our time even more shorter than what it could be by the stress, worries, work overload, failed plans, too high expectations, disappointments… What is it in our nature that makes us most of the time, waste our time?

I will never forget my grandma telling me that to people work is important, things are important but what you will bring with you to your afterlife are none of those…

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