What’s in my fridge? One of interesting things is that lots of people don’t even realise how their fridge tells a lot about them. What you eat is who you are and that is so true. Wonder what’s in my fridge at KOTI apartments? Keep on scrolling. 🙂
I don’t know how about you, but I love to peek into people’s fridges and get inspired by the food or products others use in their daily lives. I always get some ideas what to cook for myself at KOTI apartments.

My fridge at KOTI apartments is big and nicely organised so I can fit in everything I need and store my produce. I usually like to stack up my fridge with greens, berries and cheese. “You are what what you eat eats.”
If you care for yourself and those whom you’re feeding at home, you know that the more fresh produce you have at home the better. The less packaged and “long lasting” produce you have at home the more chances are you will live longer and healthier life.

In my fridge you will always find different cream cheese spreads, current favourites are from Bonjour. Some Turkish yoghurts, smetana or Creme fraiche are always on my shopping list. Some feta cheese or Parmesan are my favourite ones to snack on or put in salads, pastas, etc. Fresh berries like blueberries and strawberries are always great sweet treat.Lots of tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and mushrooms are always occupying my fridge shelves. Different lettuces, broccoli and fresh herbs like basil are not just great for the sight but are part of my daily diet. In the bottom shelf I always have some food I’ve cooked the day before or some fresh pasta and gnocchi.

Eating healthy isn’t science fiction and you don’t need to know more than just listening to what your body is craving for. Some days it will be more raw and green, some days it will be something warm and with cooked vegetables, etc. but as long as you don’t keep bad foods at your home, the easier it is to make the right choice.