Good Monday morning everybody! I’m happy to start a new week presenting you my new Zaful dress. I’ve been approached by kind people at Zaful whom wanted me to choose a piece of clothing and as soon as I saw this dress, I knew that I wanted to have it. It’s so “me” since I’m a big sucker for anything feminine and floral.
Thinking about how I should style this beautiful dress, made me think of my so to say, style evolution. I could have never predicted that I would end up styling this dress over a pair of jeans, with statement, chandelier earrings and big round sunnies. It’s interesting to see how our personal style and preferences change as we grow and evolve. When I was little, I didn’t have any special requests or ideas on how I wanted to be dressed, I just knew that I liked clean and comfortable clothes. đ Little bit into the mid way of elementary school, I knew that I wanted to wear some specific pair of jeans or color which was in trend back then. I was checking out what other girls were wearing and I’ve been “liking” the same trends too. In the first class of high school, I was hurt, heartbroken teen, I started to listen to rock and metal bands, so according to that I used to dress head to toe as a rebel… đ Think Dr.Martens boots, Converse sneakers, lots of band tees and TONS of black clothes with occasional red, grey or white piece in the mix.
By the end of the high school, I was still listening to the same rock and metal bands, but I didn’t feel anymore comfortable in those “rebel”, teen, dark outfits. From then, until up until not long time ago, meaning about a decade, I’ve been completely lost in finding out my true, personal style and dressing for myself and what I like, without thinking about what others might think, or what others would like to see me wear. In the past 10 years, I’ve been dressing up for my mom, for my boyfriends, for the pregnancy, for the comfort, for the occasion ,etc. Only as of lately, I’ve been dressing up for myself, not thinking about Helsinki being still too small ( compared to London, New York or even to Stockholm) or conservative society, I’ve decided to dress the way I want and if it’s being dressed to nines on a regular August day, so be it.
People do watch and they give you looks, esp. if you are standing out and aren’t dressed to the “code” of usual, but guess what, the way how you dress, says a lot about you! Just like I can say a lot about a person just by checking out how they act as they talk, eat or walk, I can also say a lot about a person judging from the way how they’re dressed/ look like. Consciously or unconsciously, each time you dress and walk out of your home doors, you’re representing yourself and giving out a silent message to the world. Your clothes will dictate your attitude… As vain as it might sound to some, the more you like what you see in the mirror, the more confident you will feel and will be ready to meet whomever you do or don’t expect to meet on that certain day.
You don’t need to have much money or clothes to look confident, put together and stylish. If there’s no real inner beauty and nothing interesting or inspiring comes out of the mouth when you speak to a certain person, there’s no money in this world that could dress that up and give them a class, smarts, etc. which aren’t there. In that case, even the most expensive and most beautiful clothes will look cheap and “nothing special” on them, while on a unique and pure character, even the most affordable pieces of clothes, will look like a million bucks, because their personality and attitude, make it be so.
The bottom line is, life is to short to dress for others or throw tons and tons of money on clothes that were not meant for you. Find your personal style, what makes you feel good in when you’re wearing a certain piece of clothing or style and stick to that. Build your wardrobe around that, little by little. Unless you’re really happy and comfortable with every single piece of clothes which you have hanging in your closet, throw them or donate them and next time when you do buy something new in, make sure it’s a piece which reflects you and who you are.
Kisses and happy Monday!
Find my outfit: Dress (HERE) , Jeans (SIMILAR), Ballerinas ( SIMILAR ), Blazer (SIMILAR), Sunglasses ( HERE ), Earrings (SIMILAR) , Bag & bracelet ( HERE & HERE ).
Oikeen hyvÀÀ Maanantai aamua teille kaikille. Olen iloinen aloittaessa tĂ€mĂ€n uuden viikon, sillĂ€ saan esitellĂ€ teille minun uuden Zaful mekon. YstĂ€vĂ€lliset ihmiset ottivat minuun yhteyttĂ€ Zafulilta. Ja he pyysivĂ€t minua valitsemaan suosikki vaate kappaleen blogiani varten. Ja heti kun nĂ€in tĂ€mĂ€n mekon, minĂ€ tiesin ettĂ€ minun oli pakka saatava se. Se on niin “minua” ja varsinkin kun mieltĂ€ni hivelevĂ€t aina naiselliset kukkais kuosit.
Kun mietin sitĂ€ ettĂ€ miten stailaan tĂ€mĂ€n kauniin mekon. Niin se sai minut miettimÀÀn minun tyylini kehityskulkua. En olisi ikinĂ€ ennen aavistanut ettĂ€ stailaisin tĂ€mĂ€n mekon farkkujen pariksi kannanottona ja lisĂ€ksi XXXXX korvakorut ja isot pyöreĂ€t aurinkolasit. On mielenkiintoista nĂ€hdĂ€ ettĂ€ miten meidĂ€n tyyli ja mieltymykset muuttuvat, sitĂ€ mukaan kun vanhenemme ja kehitymme. Kun olin pieni niin minulla ei ollut mitÀÀn erikois vaatimuksia tai ideoita siitĂ€ ettĂ€ miten minun pitĂ€isi pukeutua. Tiesin vaan ettĂ€ minĂ€ pidĂ€n puhtaista ja miellyttĂ€vistĂ€ vaatteista. đ Puolessa vĂ€lissĂ€ peruskoulua minĂ€ tiesin ettĂ€ haluan kĂ€yttÀÀ jotain tiettyĂ€ farkku mallia, tai vĂ€riĂ€ mikĂ€ oli kulloinkin muodissa siihen aikaan. Katselin ettĂ€ miten muut tytöt pukeutuvat. Ja pidin myös myös siihen aikaa samoista trendeistĂ€. Olin lukion ensimmĂ€isellĂ€ luokalla loukattu sydĂ€n suruinen teini tyttö. Aloin kuuntelemaan rokki ja Metalli bĂ€ndejĂ€. Ja sitĂ€ innostuneen olin sonnustautunut pÀÀstĂ€ varpaisiin kapinallisen vaatteisiin… đ Ajattele Dr. Martins bootseja, Converse lenkkareita, paljon bĂ€ndi paitoja, paljon mustia vaatteita, joissa pilkahti silloin tĂ€llöin punaisia, harmaita ja valkoisia elementtejĂ€.
Kuuntelin edelleen lukion lopussa niitÀ samoja rokki ja Metalli bÀndejÀ. Mutten tuntenut itseÀni enÀÀ niin kotoisaksi niissÀ kapinallisen teinin mustissa vaatteissa. siitÀ hetkestÀ lÀhtien ihan viime pÀiviin, eli noin vuosikymmenen ajan. Olen ollut hukassa etsien omaa persoonallista tyyliÀni ja siitÀ ettÀ miten pukeutua itselleni ja siitÀ ettÀ mistÀ minÀ pidÀn. Ilman ettÀ mietin sitÀ ettÀ mitÀ muut siitÀ pitÀvÀt. Ja miten muut haluaisivat ettÀ minÀ pukeudun. Olen pukeutunut viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana ÀitiÀni, poikaystÀvien, raskauden, mukavuuden ja tilaisuuksien vuoksi etc. Mutta olen viime aikoina alkanut pukeutumaan itseÀni varten. VÀlittÀmÀttÀ sitÀ ettÀ Helsinki on pieni (verrattuna Lontooseen, New Yorkiin tai jopa Tukholmaan) ja konservatiivinen kaupunki. Olen pÀÀttÀnyt pukeutua ihan niin kuin itse haluan. Olkoon sitten vaikka niin ettÀ pukeudun ykkösiin tavallisena Elokuun pÀivÀnÀ.
Ihmiset töllöttĂ€vĂ€t ja antavat sinulle arvostelevia katseita mikĂ€li olet ylipukeutunut, etkĂ€ mukaudu johonkin johonkin tiettyyn muottiin. Mutta arvaa mitĂ€, sinun pukeutumistyyli kertoo sinusta ihmisenĂ€ tosi paljon! Ihan niin kuin minĂ€ pystyn kertomaan ihmisestĂ€ tosi paljon sen perusteella ettĂ€ miten he kĂ€yttĂ€ytyvĂ€t heidĂ€n puhuessaan, syödessÀÀn tai kĂ€vellessÀÀn. MinĂ€ pystyn myös pÀÀttelemÀÀn ihmisestĂ€ tosi paljon sen perusteella ettĂ€ miten hĂ€n pukeutuu / miltĂ€ hĂ€n nĂ€yttÀÀ. SinĂ€ edustat aina itseĂ€si ja annat ulos hiljaisen viestin maailmalle. Aina silloin kun puet itsesi tietoisesti tai tiedostamatta, ja lĂ€hdet ulos etuovesta. Sinun vaatteet sanelevat sinun olemuksesi… Niin turhamaiselta kun se jostakin ihmisestĂ€ tuntuu. Niin mitĂ€ enemmĂ€n pidĂ€t siitĂ€ henkilöstĂ€ jonka nĂ€et, silloin kun katsot peiliin. Niin sitĂ€ itsevarmemmalta sinĂ€ tunnet itsesi. Ja olet valmiimpi tapaamaan kenen tahansa ihmisen sinĂ€ pĂ€ivĂ€nĂ€.
Sinun ei ole pakko omistaa paljon rahaa tai vaatteita nĂ€yttÀÀksesi itsevarmalta, huolitellulta tai tyylikkÀÀltĂ€. MikĂ€li jossakin ihmisessĂ€ ei ole todellista sisĂ€istĂ€ kauneutta. EikĂ€ hĂ€n saa suustaan ulos mitÀÀn kiinnostavaa tai inspiroivaa. Niin mikÀÀn raha maailmassa ei pysty pukemaan hĂ€ntĂ€ kauniiksi. Tai antaa hĂ€nelle tyylikkyyttĂ€ tai Ă€lykkyyttĂ€ etc. sillĂ€ tyhjĂ€stĂ€ on vaikea nyhjĂ€stĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ tapauksessa jopa ne kaikkein kalleimmat ja kauneimmat vaatteet tulevat nĂ€yttĂ€mÀÀn halvoilta ja “ei mitenkÀÀn erikoisilta” hĂ€nen pÀÀllÀÀn. Kun taas kaikkein edullisimmat vaatteet voivat nĂ€yttÀÀ “miljoonalta dollarilta” ainutlaatuisen ja puhtaan / viattoman ihmisen tapauksessa. SillĂ€ hĂ€nen luonteensa ja asenteensa saa sen aikaan.
Eli ihan pÀhkinÀnkuoressa. ElÀmÀ on liian lyhyt sille ettÀ pukee itsensÀ muita ihmisiÀ varten. Ja tuhlaa rahansa sellaisiin vaatteisiin jotka eivÀt ole tarkoitettu sinulle. LöydÀ oma henkilökohtainen tyylisi. KÀytÀ sellaisia tiettyjÀ vaatteita, mitkÀ saavat sinut voimaan hyvin ja pysy siinÀ tyylissÀ. Rakenna vaatekaappisi vÀhitellen tÀmÀn löytÀmÀsi tyylin ympÀrille. Ja ellet ole tÀysin tyytyvÀinen johinkin vaatekaapissasi roikkuviin vaatteisiin. HeitÀ ne pois tai lahjoita ne pois. Ja seuraavan kerran kun ostat uusia vaatteita. Ole varma siitÀ ettÀ ne ovat vaatteita jotka kuvastavat sinua ja sitÀ kuka sinÀ olet.
Pusuja ja onnellista Maanantaita.
It took me an awfully long time (years) to get the look I thought was me. But even now, I’m not sure if it’s the real me. And when I look at old photos I cringe, and think what was I trying to achieve there. When I was little, my Mum would tell me that nice shoes and a lovely smile would improve any look.
Your dress is lovely, Natali. The floral print so pretty and feminine. And worn with tight blue jeans certainly works.
Wishing you a lovely week.
Kisses, Jo
Such a beautiful dress! Absolutely love this intense color and the floral print. You look so elegant and feminin.
xo Julia
Thank you so much Julia!!
Love the print, so pretty!
Thank you Violette!
Love that dress on you Natalie! It took me looong to find my personal style and what fits to my body, as I wanted for too often to look like the ‘cool kids’. I am happy where I am now.
Much love,
Thank you so much Tatjana!! I’m glad that you too found your style and what you feel good to wear. đ
gorgeous look!
Kisses darling
Bellezza pour femme – fashion blog di Marzia Amaranto
Thank you Marzia!
Oh waw that dress is so beautiful! Love the print and colour!!
Thank you! :)))
This dress is so beautiful! You look wonderful hun đ â„
Thank you my dear Nada!
I love seeing how you styled this dress! Your layers are so fun and a great way to transition a dress into the cooler months.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Thank you sweetie!! I felt great wearing this outfit!
what a lovely post my dear
your style is so amazing and inspiring
simply love it!
lovely đ
with love your AMELY ROSE
Thank you Amely, I’m so glad to read that you liked it!
Just to tell that, ‘The Girl On The Train’ is at number 3 in The Times top 10 best selling paperbacks. Will it get to number 1?
Really?! That’s great! Hopefully it will make it to nr.1. đ
Love this with the jeans! Super chic!
mallory |
Thank you Mallory!
Such a pretty dress! Love the way you styled it!
Thank you Ally! Yes, the dress is so “me”! đ
Such a pretty dress! I love how you wore it as a shirt instead of a dress, so fashionable!
Tamara –
Thank you so much Tamara!!
I love how you wore it with jeans! Great styling! =)
– Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
Thank you very much, happy to read that you liked it ! đ
Thank you!
You’ve styled the dress beautifully. I’m not a big fan of dresses over jeans for me personally but you have hit it perfectly. xoxoxo
This is the first time I have dared to wear them this way and I loved it! đ
That dress is so pretty! I love the burgundy and how you styled it over the jeans!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Thank you my dear Shannon!!
I’m hearing so many things about Zaful and doesn’t the floral dress look beautiful! It’s so true, you shouldn’t spend so much on outfits. Just find your style and find you <3
xx BASH | go say H E Y B A S H
Yes, I fell in love with this dress immediately, it’s so “me”! Thank you for stopping by and commenting. đ
Love how you styled the dress! Great post!
xx Tammy
Thank you dear Tammy!
Lovely dress! I also do orders on this site and I really like the stuff I get))
Would you like to follow each other? Follow me on Blog and Google+ and I’ll follow you back!
Thank you so much! Great to hear that you’ve been shopping at Zaful and that you like the clothes which you get. đ
you look so amazing!
Thank you my dear, you’re so sweet!
So true! Inner beauty is just as important as on the outside (maybe more)! Thanks for reminding us to dress for ourselves instead of anyone else cus we look the best in clothes we feel the most comfortable in!
xo Margaret |
True words Margaret, you said it so well! Thank you for stopping by and reading through. đ
in love! đ
Such a gorgeous dress, love the floral pattern! Xx
Firstly, your dress is absolutely beautiful + your styling is so fresh, unique and pretty! As for florals? Absolutely with you!! Adore them and can’t wait to rock a few more looks on the blog this summer wearing a few of my favourites!! xo
PS –
As for the PS? Haha whoops pressed enter to early! Just wanted to send a virtual hug & sincere thank you for all your sweet/positive words during my health struggles. It honestly means so much and has put a BIG smile on my face!! Thank you, sweet friend!! xo
you look stunning in red! great look!
What a lovely dress! It looks amazing on you xx
Edye |
Amazing post! I couldn’t agree more with what you said about personal style, and I love how you’ve styled your new dress xx
This dress is SOOOO pretty!!
What a beautiful shoot
You look gorgeous. Your style very inspiring and amazing. Keep it up!
Good vibes, FOX
check out my blog and my latest VLOG
Love the way you styled this!! So gorg! xo
U luk so beautiful in this outfit hun…love ur earrings also…xoxo, NEHA
I love how you styled this with jeans underneath! Very chic.
Love that dress
That dress is so pretty –Hanna Lei
Latest Post: Grey Dress at the White River
Pretty dress!
I love how you styled this dress. Perfect.
xo Jac
Dear, you are master of lyering! Fabulous outfit!
I like the whole styling and photos! Cheers to the photographer who did a great job capturing your style! <3
Gorgeous! Love how you styled the dress over jeans, what a great idea for fall!
The Fashion Barbie
Love the flower print!
Such a great way to wear the floral dress Natali! Love how you layered it!
Love the idea of styling the jeans underneath floral dress <3
xoxo, Best Bags For Women 2016