Today I felt like taking a small break from my usual Monday inspiration posts and do something else instead. I’d like to share with you couple of facts about me which you might find interesting or could relate to. đ I hope that you had a great weekend and are ready to kick off this new week with lots of energy and good inspiration flow. *Finnish text in the bottom.
- I’m the oldest child in my family, I have 1 sister and 2 brothers, one of them being 11 years younger than me.
- I made my first friendships at age 4 and some of these girls are still one of my closest friends.
- I’m a book worm and I can never resist going into the book store and coming out with at least 3 new books, even if I have unread books waiting for me to “catch up” on at home. I love reading and I love picking up a random book at home whenever I feel like. Books make me “disappear” to a whole different world for a while and are my friend when I need to just unwind and take my mind off of everything.
- I’m a HUGE sushi addict and I can eat sushi all day, every day and never get bored with. Give me a chrirashi sushi bowl or a sashimi platter and I’ll be the happiest girl ever. Funny thing is that up until maybe 7-8 years ago, I hated fish, I could not stand it and I was not craving it until I found my love for it when eating salmon, esp. smoked one like there’s no tomorrow. Then the raw fish came into the spotlight and ever since, fish is divine to me. đ
- I can be a very lazy person or I can be the most hyper one around. I either do things and do them 100% or I don’t even “touch” them. In many things in my life I’m either-either kind of gal and while it’s a very good vice, it can also be quite problematic too. I guess that being stubborn is part of that problem.Â
- I became mom at age 21 and I was completely not prepared for it and I’ve been learning on my own mistakes from day to day. Now, 7 and half years later, I can proudly tap myself on the shoulder for raising up such an adorable, good hearted, smart and overall beautiful girl. I never had much help or family surrounding me while raising her up and while that was pretty stressful, worrying and demanding at times, I’ve managed to teach her values in life, good manners and to always be respectful and treat everybody kindly.
- When I’m dedicated to something, I do it so wholeheartedly that very often people don’t understand how can I be so passionate about a certain thing. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about music, food, art, work, if I’m into it, you will see the passion written all over my face when a certain thing is brought up as a subject.Â
- I grew up in a little village, next to the little city and memories from my childhood are the sweetest ones I have. I always love to revisit those memory lane places even though they don’t look anything like they were before and even most of the people that I have those memories tied to don’t live there anymore.
- My favourite drink is green tea! I have at least 5 different kinds of green tea at home and my favourite right now is Jasmine buds green tea!
- If I would win the lottery, I would spend half of the money to travel the world and half of it to youth houses and children hospitals.
- FINNISH:PÀÀtin pitÀÀ tĂ€nÀÀn pienen tauon minun yleensĂ€ joka Maanantaisesta inspiraatio blogi postauksesta. Ja sen sijaan haluaisin jakaa muutaman faktan minusta, jotka saattaa kiinnostaa teitĂ€. Ja joihin te voisitte samaistua. đ Toivottavasti teillĂ€ oli mahtava viikonloppu. Ja olette valmiita aloittamaan tulevan viikon tarmoa tĂ€ynnĂ€, ja hyvĂ€n inspiraation saattelemana.1. Olen meidĂ€n perheen vanhin lapsi. Minulla on yksi sisko ja kaksi veljeĂ€. Yksi sisarus on minua 11 vuotta nuorempi.2. Solmin minun ensimmĂ€iset ystĂ€vyys suhteeni neljĂ€n vanhana. Ja osa niistĂ€ sen aikaisista tytöistĂ€ ovat edelleenkin minun lĂ€himpiĂ€ ystĂ€viĂ€.
3. Olen lukutoukka. EnkĂ€ pysty ikinĂ€ vastustaa sitĂ€ ettĂ€ kun menen kirjakauppaan. Niin sieltĂ€ ulos tullessani kauppakassissa on aina vĂ€hintÀÀn kolme uutta kirjaa. Rakastan lukemista. Ja tykkÀÀn ottaa kotona jonkun vaan kirjan kĂ€teeni. Vain alottaakseni sen lukemisen, aina silloin kun tekee mieli. Kirjat saavat minuthetkeksi “eksymÀÀn” uuteen rinnakkaiseen maailmaan. Ja ovat minun ystĂ€viĂ€. Silloin kun haluan rentoutua, ja saada ajatukset hetkeksi muualle.
4. Olen SUURI sushi addikti. Voin syödÀ sushia koko pÀivÀn, joka pÀivÀ enkÀ ikinÀ kyllÀsty. Olen maailman onnellisin tyttö, silloin kun saan chrirashi sushi kulhon tai sashimi lautasen kÀtösiini. Hassu juttu. Vihasin kalaa vielÀ 7-8 vuotta sitten. En voinut sietÀÀ sitÀ enkÀ todellakaan himoinnut sitÀ. Kunnes löysin taas rakkauden kalaan, maistettuani tÀÀllÀ savustettua lohta. Sen jÀlkeen raaka kala vei minun sydÀmeni, se on taivaallista.
5. Voin olla todella laiska henkilö, tai sitten olen maailman hyperaktiivisin. Teen asiat joko 100 prosenttisesti tai sitten en ollenkaan. Olen monissa asioissa joko tai tyyppi. Vaikka se on hyvÀ pahe, se voi myös olla ongelmallinen pahe vÀlillÀ. Veikkaan ettÀ minun itsepÀisyydellÀni on jotain tekemistÀ asian kanssa.
6. Tulin Àidiksi 21 vuotiaana. EnkÀ ollut siihen henkisesti yhtÀÀn valmistautunut. Olen oppinut virheistÀni pÀivÀ kerrallaan. Nyt 7,5 vuotta myöhemmin voin taputtaa itseÀni olkapÀÀlle. Koska olen pystynyt kasvattamaan suloisen, hyvÀsydÀmisen ja kaikin tavoin kauniin tytön lapsen. Minulla ei juurikaan ollut paljon apua tai suurta perhettÀ ympÀrillÀni, kasvattaessani hÀntÀ. Ja vaikka se oli aika stressaavaa, huolestuttavaa ja vaativaa. Olen onnistunut opettamaan hÀnelle hyviÀ elÀmÀn arvoja, hyviÀ tapoja ja ainaista kunnioittamista. Ja sitÀ ettÀ kohtelee toisia hyvin.
7. Silloin kun olen omistautunut jollekin asialle. Teen sen asian tÀydellÀ sydÀmellÀ. Ja yleensÀ ihmiset eivÀt ymmÀrrÀ sitÀ ettÀ miten voin olla niin intohimoinen jonkun asian suhteen. Oli kyse sitten musiikista, ruuasta, taiteesta tai työstÀ. Jos olen innostunut jostakin asiasta. Niin naamassani lukee aina intohimo, silloin kun kyseinen aihe pulpahtaa esiin.
8. Vartuin pienen pienessÀ kylÀssÀ. Joka sijaitsee pienen kaupungin kupeessa. Ja lapsuusmuistoni ovat minun rakkaimpia muistojani. Rakastan vÀlillÀ palata takaisin noille muistojen vÀrittÀmille seuduille. Vaikkakin suurin osa niistÀ lapsuuteeni kuuluvista ihmisistÀ ovat jo muuttaneet niiltÀ seuduilta pois.
9. Suosikki juomani on vihreÀ tee. Minulla on kotona tÀllÀ hetkellÀ ainakin viittÀ eri vihreÀtÀ teetÀ. TÀmÀn hetken suosikkini on Jasmiinin nuppu vihreÀ tee.
10. Jos voittaisin Lotosta. KÀyttÀisin puolet voitosta maailmalla matkustamiseen. Ja toisen puolen lahjoittaisin nuorisotaloille ja lasten sairaaloille.
Love your look!! Beautiful dress!
Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}
Nice to learn more things about you Natalie!
Have a great week.
Ti si moja sushi srodna duĆĄa, a bome i knjiĆĄka đ Divna si mi u ovim predivnim plavim hlaÄama, ko stvorene su za tebe! Ćœelim ti super tjedan! :*
Thanks for sharing all these great notes on you. My best friends are the ones I grew up with too, I miss them all the time. They all live in Ecuador.
MariaOnPoint | Find me on IG
Also a bookworm here, you are an amazing woman, and gorgeous! Love love the outfit, classy!
The Flower Duet
I love sushi as well. Check out the hottest eyewear designers interview me about eyewear and eye health.
EyeSeeEuphoria |
nice outfit
Love learning more about you! All I drink is coffee, water, and green tea. It’s my favorite too. I can tell you are passionate about the things you love from your blog.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
What a cool idea for the post! Loved reading it! x
Nice post! It’s great to know new things about you đ xx
I loved reading these facts and getting to know you a bit! And girl, I am a serious sushi lover too đ
I am the exact same way with sushi!
Tessa |
Number 6 is sooo inspiring! I love it, you are so brave.
What a lovely post, Natali. And so nice to know more about you. I am sure, in time, we will get to know even more. Reading the comments, I sense that most of us have so much in common. The love of music, art, books, food, ice cream. One lifetime is not enough to take them all in. Keep up the good work. I love it.
Really interesting post, I’m also a sushi addict, could eat it every day and never get tired of it. You’re look good in these harem style pants.
I love this and loved learning a little about you! I love green tea too and youre totally rocking this outfit!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Uvijek uzivam u postovima ovoga tipa… iako, moram se pohvaliti da sam te kroz postove i onu nasu kavu “upoznala” toliko da sam znala vecinu stvari đ
Outfit je divan. Ovaj tip hlaca ti stvarno predobro stoji i sve bih ti ukrala u roku keks! Ugodan tjedan ti zelim draga! :*
Thanks for sharing it! I am also the oldest in my family ^^
Great to know these about you! Love your outfit! =)
– Cielo
Mermaid in Heels
I would love to know what books you read; music you like. I imagine, like me, it is quite an eclectic mix. Maybe in your Five for Friday post you could include recommending a book for us to read.
i ja volim Äitanje….to mi je najbolji odmor, izgubiti se u nekoj knjizi i odmoriti se od svega….a i ja sam sklona tome da se ili posve posvetim neÄemu ili nikako…ĆĄto je nekad dobro, a nekad i ne. Nekad bi ĆŸeljela da sam manje sklona ekstremima, ali opet ima to i nekih svojih prednosti.
Predivna si u ovoj hippi kombinaciji….jako mi se sviÄaju plave harlem hlaÄe u kombinaciji s plavom maramom…odliÄna ljetna kombinacija!
Such a nice post!
I am sushi and green tea lover đ
Kisses from Spain!
Great interesting post ! I am bookworm too! I love books and when I go to the book shop, I go out with 2 book always ! đ
Cool facts. Check out our sunglasses GIVEAWAY!
very interesting and unusual facts!
What a great idea for a post! I love learning a little bit more about the wonderful ladies behind the blogs that I follow.
I also love to read! It’s definitely very exciting to be completely enthralled by a new book.. even when you have about 10 waiting at home for you!!
Love your style đ
I love this! I can tell you are such a great mom and I would love to hear some of your favorite reads for summer! Maybe a blog post in the coming? đ
I am the oldest child too and I love sushi!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
You are such an amazing person, Natalie!
Love your style!
please check out my new blog:
Great post and you look great!
Those genie pants looks amazinggg on you!
Loved reading this post and getting to know you a little better đ Super izgledas xo
Lovely article babe!
xx, BBB
Nice outfit and so good to know more about you <3
xoxo, Lastestbag – Best Bags 2016
you look amazing