
Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Let it rain

September 15, 2015

Fall is definitely in full swing here in Helsinki! I’m more and more often waking up to rainy mornings or walking back home in the evening while the rain is “washing up” the city’s streets. As much as I love my sunshine and relaxing time by the beach, I also love the feeling of freshness and new beginning that the Fall brings. I don’t know how or why but I suddenly feel so much more creative, focused and find it easy to take on any work task. How about you my readers? Do you like Fall and why?

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits


September 13, 2015

Good morning my dear readers! How are you and how was your weekend? I was SO tired over the weekend and have worked a ton, but have also managed to meet with my friends, run errands and get semi-prepared for this new working week. The schedule is quite hectic almost every day this week, but being organised and writing down on the paper everything ( I know, I know, I’m getting old-er 😀 ) is the key to success. 🙂

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Lifestyle, Outfits


September 10, 2015

Good morning my dear readers! Welcome to the third post in collaboration with SAMUJI! I’m so happy to have an opportunity to present you the best ( and finest ) of Finnish design. Both, Samuji and IvanaHelsinki were always among my favourite designer names. Unique clothes, good quality and long lasting fabrics are SO important to me when I’m shopping for the new additions to my closet.

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Make sense

September 8, 2015

I woke up to a sunny day, so I’ll try to get the most out of the sunshine and outdoor activities today. I work indoors a lot, every single day, but I always make sure to find at least an hour in a day to spend my time outside, walking, breathing in the fresh air and such. I have some errands to run and one of them is the visit to the Farmer’s Market for fresh veggies and fruits, so it’s a perfect excuse to walk there instead of having to drive there. I’ll easily get that one hour of “movement” in by doing this. 🙂

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Verna by Samuji

September 6, 2015

Rainy morning… I love to wake up to the sound of rain hitting against my windows. When I was little, I used to love spending early mornings in bed, just watch the rain fall and secretly hope that I don’t have to go to school and can just enjoy the sight from my bed a little bit longer. 🙂

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

IvanaHelsinki giveaway

September 4, 2015

How in the world is it already Friday? I feel like the days are literally flying by. Next month is my birthday month already! What are your plans for this weekend? Besides work and crazy amount of clothes that I need to wash, dry and iron, I’m planning to bake my favourite cheesecake and go for a sushi date at my favourite Japanese restaurant.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits


September 2, 2015

Good morning everybody! First of all, I’d like to THANK you for a wonderful response on my previous post and for all of the comments that you left me. It means a lot to me and gives me even more “wind” to my blogger’s back to blog my heart out in the future too. 🙂

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Lifestyle, Outfits

IVANAHelsinki promo

August 30, 2015

Heart… A muscle that is much more than that… Ever since I was a little girl, heart was my favourite shape, sign, word. I’m almost 28 years old and I have lived all of them only led by my heart which turned out “unfortunate” for me many, many times because world is being run by head and not this amazing muscle that’s beating inside of all of us.

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Food, Lifestyle

Kuppi ja Muffini promo

August 25, 2015

Good morning to you my dear readers! How has this week been so far for you? I have been working non stop and I do like it a lot, but oh man, does it get though towards the end of the day when my body just “tells me” that it had enough and I get SO tired and fall asleep with the phone in my hands ( yep, Instagram obsessed gal here 😀 ).

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Sister love

August 23, 2015

Good morning everybody!! I just woke up and while sipping my morning’s 1st tea, I’m thinking about how this Monday already rocks! My little sister has a BIRTHDAY today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister!! Unfortunately, she’s in Croatia right now, so I won’t be spending this day with her, but luckily she’ll come to visit me in October and then we’ll make up for all of the time that we couldn’t spend together this year.

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