If you’ve been reading my blog and following my photography work for a while now, you might have noticed that I’m a very emotional person… Somebody who wears her heart on her sleeve, somebody who “triple feels” everything so deeply… When I was little, I’ve been always told to suppress my feelings, to not show them easily and not to everybody. Do you think I’ve learned how to do that? Nope, but I did learn something else… How to mask my feelings.
So many times I’ve been editing my own outfit photos for the blog and thinking to myself that if only people would know what happened before or after those photos were shot. How many emotions there are masked behind one look…. Behind a smile… I had some of the most challenging and hardest times in the past two – three years, but I always had a smile ready for everybody, I always had a “I’m fine” story ready for everybody and I always wanted to believe that I don’t carry all of the world’s problems, so I shouldn’t complain or pity myself, but just suck it up, mask my feelings and keep on going.
This was until I have realised that my “masking” didn’t bring me much happiness either. So many times people whom were near me got wrong vision about me, not knowing why I had to postpone, cancel, etc. our meetings, going out, movies… I don’t think that we should rub our pain, tears and sadness to anybody’s faces, nobody needs to feel “sorry” for us, but to open up a little bit more, stop masking so many situations and problems and just speak up… Once I’ve started to speak up about my feelings, about my troubles and things that are weighing me down, I have realised that I got so much more comfort, strength and unexpected love and acceptance from my closest people. So many times after choosing not to mask a moment or feeling I’m going through, I have helped by sharing my troubles and story to a close friend or my family. We are all in the same boat… One day we’re up, the next day we might be down, but that’s why we were sent some special people, angels in specific times in our lives, to watch over us and help lift us up when we’re down and cheer for us once we’re up and “running” wild and free again.
Remember my dears, those who can’t handle you at your worst, don’t deserve you at your best. The sooner you stop masking your feelings ,fears, worries and open up, the sooner you’ll know which people in your life are worth your time and emotions and which ones are not.
Have a great new week everybody and I hope that you’ve been liking my motivation/ inspiration posts every Monday.
Find my outfit: Shoes (HERE ), Jeans ( HERE ) , Blazer ( HERE ) , Top ( SIMILAR ), Bag ( HERE )
love the red flats! great style!
Love your words Natalie! In my experience the more emotionally vulnerable I am the hardest the impact has on me. Yeah people around me do offer a temporary comfort but with time it backfires. If what I’m saying makes any sense
At my age, I am trying to be very careful with whom I open my heart.
Another wonderful and thought provoking
post, Natali. It took me a long time to have the right friends to be able to fully open my soul to.
Interesting post, amazing outfit as well, I love your blog, thank you for sharing, you look very pretty!!!
Very elegant and nice outfit.. Love the location! A kiss
Not masking our real selves is definitely and effort but a worthwhile one for the true relationships we build. I always think you look pretty in red!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
That bag is absolutely a dream!
Fabrizia – Cosa Mi Metto???
Always love how you wear your heart on your sleeve! You are so real and that’s why we love you! This look is stunning! Love that red bag!!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Un look ideal, estás súper guapa!! https://bohoclosetblog.com/2016/09/19/como-combinar-blazer-gris/
I love your bag!
I love and admire your transparency! Thank you for that
Also, great look! xx, Erin – http://www.stylebythepeople.com
love the flats ! so cute
This is so important for bloggers to hear, we all have up and down days but social media is like seeing everyone’s highlight reel!
Chow Down USA
Great post. Love this look, everything is just perfect. xoxoxo
you look amazing
Love your transparency and honesty of this post, I agree with you that those who can’t handle you at your worst, don’t deserve you at your best.
For sure I love your inspirational post every Monday! They are so genuine and frank! I am always interested to know how people come out and get over their struggles over the years, and what I can do for myself or for others. Thanks for always keeping us inspired and positive!
xo Margaret
http://www.maleemaleehong.com | http://www.facebook.com/maleemaleehong
Love the look! Perfect! Kisses
Love the Chloé bag & the shoes!
Such a chic look. I wish I could pull of red as well as you!
xo Jen | http://laxmilifestyle.com
Truly understand every single word, understand pain and understand masking and hiding it under layers of smiles.
Love your blog, and your outfit as well.
We just started to follow your blog now so I can see all your fashion.
Sanela & Maja
those are the cutest shoes! I always look forward to seeing your darling looks!
I’m a huge fan of your bag. Love it!
Loving those red flats! And you’re so right about not masking emotions — sometimes you just need to let it all out and truly feel what you feel. Glad you came to that realization!
Isn’t That Charming.
loved your words about masking emotions! thanks for sharing! love the pop of red too.
xx jess
I adore your work! And how you exposed youe Chloe bag here! Simplicity is a key <3
Amazing and inspiring post. Love the outfit too.
Nice outfit !
Wow! Gorgeous! I love this outfit pretty!
Sharing your feeling is always good for the soul. Great words.
wow you look great, love your bag
nice words btw
and your bag is so cute, nice to know your blog,
Amazing style!
Anika | anikamay.co.uk
Have a great day dear!
Fabrizia – Cosa Mi Metto???
Jadea Giveaway!!!
You look stunning dear
xx Katha
I love your outfit. Nice and simple and I love the pops of color. Especially the shoes.
Love your outfit, and love your thoughts, too! I’m totally a master of hiding my emotions—I’m a very private person and don’t like to burden others with my problems—but I’m slowly learning that it’s okay to trust people and be open with how you’re feeling!
The Fashion Barbie
Nice look, love your flat and handbag so much <3
xoxo, Best Bags For Women 2016
Svakako je istina da nije dobro gutati i pretvarati se da je sve ok kada nije! Ipak, vjerujem da je većinu ljudi strah na reakciju koju će dobiti od druge strane ukoliko se “otvore”. Čini mi se da živimo u bezosjećajnome svijetu i da treba mudro birati kome i ako darovati svoje srce i /ili dušu na dlanu. Ipak, važno je ne ići protiv sebe i forsirati se nekome kome uopće nije ni stalo do tebe. Oni koji te vole će razumjeti ako npr.otkažeš kavu ili ručak, a oni koji će ti isto zamjeriti…hm, trebamo li uopće takve u životu?
Kombinacija je jako lijepa! Crveni detalji ti predivno stoje i uopće je suvišno više i govoriti koliko si lijepa. Što god ti stavila na sebe, oduzimaš dah svojom pojavom! :***
pretty girl…….