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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Beach club

June 22, 2017

No alarm clock ringing… I’m slowly waking up naturally and making my way out of the bed to the kitchen. I’m putting my water to warm up and cutting up the lemon. I’m opening the windows and the sun shines beautifully, birds are chirping, pigeons are gagging and the locals are having random conversations just under the window.  Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Tainted love

August 22, 2016

I belive that we were all born as a loving human beings. That love was installed in our “factory settings” and loving something or somebody should come easily and naturally to us… Yet, we use “love” so easily and often, we give it to the wrong people and take it from the right people, we complicate it when it shouldn’t be complicated and we leave it hanging when it should be cared for. That is what I call tainted love.

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