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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Bird set free

January 4, 2017

Happy 2017 everybody!!! First post of the new year is here and I wanted to take my time writing it to make sure that I’m publishing the right material. I’m visiting Croatia at the moment and am happy to start this year by travelling and taking some well deserved time off.

I’ve spent couple of days in the capital city, Zagreb and was so happy to meet some of my oldest friends as well as have a coffee with some of my Croatian blogging colleagues. The weather is beautiful and even though it’s been cold, the bright daylight and occasional sun rays made a world of difference in how energetic and happy I feel.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

When I’m gone

November 21, 2016

Some years ago, I had this internal fight with myself that I have to do everything perfectly, that I need to be perfect and that only when these two are “all perfect”, I’ll get to where I want to be in life and I’ll get what I want from life… NOT!

First of all, there’s no such thing as perfection since I’m not a god, I’m just a human with tons of flaws. My flaws will be a great match to some other people’s flaws and they’ll see them as something fun, interesting and nothing near bad or disturbing. My flaws will also be of annoyance to others and since I can’t and am “too old” to want to anymore people please or try to blend in to perfectly do or fit in somewhere, I’ll rather call it a day and concentrate to get the best of my flaws and share it with people who love me for me.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

How to be happy

October 17, 2016

I’m a girl which never takes a break… I will always keep on going at all costs. Heck, sometimes I don’t even take a break to cry and have a proper “breakdown” moment, but I deal with everything on the go or by swiping it “under the carpet” until I can, at some point, deal with it.

I just ride, ride and ride, I succeed, I fail, I get disappointed or I get proud, about myself or about people which I encounter… But I feel that I never take a proper moment to just “be” and process everything that’s happened, good or bad, people which I’ve met, etc.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

October files

October 3, 2016

Stepping outside… Fresh, crisp Fall air hits my cheeks and the sunny, but cold rays of sunshine blindfold me for a moment as I start walking off into yet another day of 12-ish hours of breathing, living, moving, feeling, dreaming… Consciously, until I fall asleep and do all of that unconsciously. I believe that we never wake up, we’re always in the state of some kind of “Winter’s sleep”, just that our imagination runs wilder during the night as we’re sleeping.  Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

September 9, 2016

Well hello Friday!! Who’s exciting for the weekend? It’s been a gorgeous, sunny week and looks like the weekend will be the same. I had tons of work but also fun this week and today + weekend will be completely filled with great people, work, food, events and I’m going to spend about few hours at home in the next three days and I like the way it sounds. 😀

What are your plans for this weekend? Fun and action filled one like mine or more chilled and cozy one at home?

I’d like to share some of randomly picked photos from my Instagram feed and also my top 5s this week!

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Zaful dress

August 15, 2016

Good Monday morning everybody! I’m happy to start a new week presenting you my new Zaful dress. I’ve been approached by kind people at Zaful whom wanted me to choose a piece of clothing and as soon as I saw this dress, I knew that I wanted to have it. It’s so “me” since I’m a big sucker for anything feminine and floral.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Espadrilles love

August 10, 2016

Good Wednesday everybody! I felt like writing just a “chit-chat” kind of post and also present you my love for these espadrilles. I have literally spent half of my Summer in them, they’re so comfy and I can combine them with almost anything in my closet. If you haven’t, I can wholeheartedly suggest you to invest in a pair of good espadrilles.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits


June 20, 2016


Time… Accepting it or not, the fact is that our time is limited. Our time on this planet, in this lifetime is limited and we’re never promised tomorrow. We have today, but we limit our “today” and make our time even more shorter than what it could be by the stress, worries, work overload, failed plans, too high expectations, disappointments… What is it in our nature that makes us most of the time, waste our time?

I will never forget my grandma telling me that to people work is important, things are important but what you will bring with you to your afterlife are none of those…

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

No fear

May 30, 2016


Lately, I’ve encountered some situations and people which made me often think about one specific subject: “fear”! I wonder, when did we stop being these fearless kids who would do all sorts of “crazy” things and not fear the outcome of our adventures? I’m not talking here about the vandalism or doing bad things, but you know, about doing that “one extra” push or step just to test the water and how cold it really is.

When did we all became slaves of our own brain and have started to overthink everything!? When did we started to ask so many questions and building up a feeling of fear because we can’t find the answers to all of them?

One quote always rings in my head: “What would you do and how far would you go if you wouldn’t be afraid?” That is so true and very thought provoking at the same time. Just think for a sec… How much we would all do and how far we would all get if this, anxious feel of fear wouldn’t stop us? If we wouldn’t be afraid of taking a risk in anything, from our relationships and jobs to other segments in our lives… How much more wider our horizons, experiences and better everyday life would be?

You do know, my dear readers that “fear”, such thing simply does not exist. We are the ones who bring it into our lives and we’re the ones who are such pros in making the fear stay present in our day-to-day lives. Being aware or responsible aren’t the same thing as being afraid of something. In reality, fear just disables us from thinking clear and makes us only make more bad choices faster. Fear disables us from fully ever accomplishing anything at our best or reaching those dreams and goals which we’re longing for so much…

Fear is an illusion, but I don’t know if it’s ever possible to fully let go of this illusion and live fearlessly. I believe that we can at least try our best to control it and always take a moment to breathe or take a step back before we act on anything out of fear.

So, message of this post is – NO FEAR dear people! No fear that you’ll do wrong, choose wrong, etc… Every choice which you make, every step that you take, fear not that you’re going in the right direction and walking the path you’ve been supposed to take since the day you were born.

P.S. Special thank you to my brother for taking these awesome outfit photos! 🙂

I’m wearing: Espadrilles – Chanel, Bag & bracelet – Balenciaga, Shorts, top, jacket, headband and earrings – Zara





Lifestyle, Outfits

One heart in two bodies

May 9, 2016


That’s how I feel like about my daughter… We are one heart in two bodies. Ever since she was born, my world has completely changed and has never been the same. Each day, esp. since she has grown up a bit and is away at kindergarten or at a playdate, I feel that half of my heart is “gone” with her. Whenever she’s hurt or sad, I feel it double as she does… If she’s happy and smiling, I’m double as happy as she is.

I feel like this world is the most beautiful place ever each time I see her sunlike wide smile and diamond spark in her eyes shine the beauty and pureness of her soul from the inside. Becoming a mom, I didn’t take it as something that makes me somewhat better, smarter or more important than any other woman around, but being a mom def. has thought me so much about life, feelings, worries, etc. more than any other “role” in this life could. Children are our biggest teachers and they always speak the truth, no matter if we like to hear it or not. As much as I like to hear my daughter tell me how she thinks that I’m the best mom ever and that she hopes to become like me someday, I also don’t like to hear when she complains at times that I work so much and we haven’t managed to play a board game we were supposed to play 2 days ago. If anybody can quickly shake me up and make me rethink my daily life, habits, choices and “forces me” to get my time management and scheduling in order, then it’s her.

She also thought me, or should I say has reminded me to see the world through child’s eyes more often… Something that I can pass by many times on daily basis and not see it’s beauty, she will spot it immediately and see so much in perhaps, so little… Taking a moment to really “look up” and around yourself just the way that she does, made me remember what’s the core of life… To see beauty everywhere, to be happy about everything and anything. As long as we’re breathing, as long as we’re jumping in the muddy puddles, as long as we’re enjoying the sun that’s shining while laying in the park on the freshly grown green grass, as long as we stuff our faces in ice cream cones and laugh together, as long as we hold onto those precious little moments that make life so special, we’ll forget about any worries we might’ve had.

Life can be so simple, so real and so good, only if we change the way we see things and how we act or react to what happens to us on daily basis.

They say that a woman has always been a woman and she will forever be a woman, but mother, mother has been born when the child is born… The moment that birth cord has been cut, one heart has been split in two newborn bodies, one body of a child and another one of a mother. None of them existed up until that moment. That is so true! I have and always will be a woman, the one that loves unconditionally, the one that is silly, the one that is vulnerable and strong at the same time… The one that is bit crazy and different but has pure heart and a soul that hold so much inside… The one that wants to inspire and help, the one that wants to go out with her friends and have fun… But I’m also a mother… Something I never thought I’d be, something I have never been even imagining what it feels or looks like to be a mother. I’m a mother that I hope my daughter will be proud of someday and will look up to me when she decides to give birth to two bodies of one heart…

Happy Mother’s Day to me and to every single beautiful mom that I know in real or this “virtual” world!

Have a good Monday everybody!

I’m wearing: Sneakers – New Balance, Jeans – Tiger of Sweden, Sweater – Max Mara, Kimono – Asos, Bag & bracelet – Balenciaga, Sunglasses – Chloe


