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Lifestyle, Outfits, Travel

Isabel girl

June 18, 2015

I can’t believe that it’s already Friday and that in less than a week, my Summer holidays will be over. :/ They flew by so fast and I will definitely try to maximise every day until the end of the holidays and try to just soak up every moment of swimming, laying on the beach, eating ice cream and so on.

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Lifestyle, Outfits, Travel

Little white dress

June 15, 2015

Oh hi Monday! You surely come way too fast! 🙂 I do like Mondays and a feeling of a new week ( or day ) starting, but Mondays are always a reminder for me of everything I was planning to do and didn’t had time to do, everything I needed to get done and have postponed… Comes Monday and I remember that there’s never enough time to do everything unless there’s a real good schedule/ organisation involved.

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Lifestyle, Outfits, Travel

Summertime uniform

June 9, 2015

Good morning dear people! The sun is shining in beautiful city of Sibenik and I’m about to do my usual morning rituals such as visiting the Farmer’s Market, sit down for coffee and do some people watching, stroll through the city to my favourite health store and make a nice lunch before I hit the beach.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

Right to live

May 19, 2015

Turning back and forth in my bed… It’s the middle of the night, or some would say early in the morning. No matter what I’ve tried to do ( like count the invisible sheep village ), I just can’t get myself to fall asleep again. Nice! Only 4 hours of sleep, it will be a “fun” day of zombie like looks and low energy levels. I check my phone and it’s showing 4:30 am.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

In your face

May 10, 2015

What a wonderful day I had today!? It was one of those days that I’ll always remember. I woke up just to right away be smothered with kisses and Mother’s Day wishes from my daughter, followed by the presents which she picked herself ( with a little “shopping” help, but still 🙂 ).

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

Termination bliss

May 5, 2015

Over the weekend I have decided to finally visit Rag&Bone store on Melrose Avenue. Beautiful store with great staff, an ongoing seasonal sale and fresh new picks for Spring/ Summer have arrived to the racks as well. I love Rag&Bone for their simplicity and very quality material that they use to make their clothes. In a way they remind me of Acne… It’s like Acne would be their Scandinavian brother. 🙂

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

Boho soul

May 3, 2015

Free… To have a free and playful spirit is such a rarity nowadays… Either we’re all too swamped in our day-to-day lives with all of the problems ( smaller or bigger ones ), endless schedules, routines, etc. that I have a feeling many of us forget to be in touch with ourselves… We forget to listen to our souls and follow the voice “inside” of us that is so often being “shut down” because we still have this one more thing to do that we might not really feel like, but we have to, or we have this one more place we have to go to, worrying that we’re missing out in life if we don’t go, etc.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits


April 28, 2015

Hello my dear people! How are you doing? Huh! What a lovely beginning of the week it’s been for me!? Not just that the sun is shining so bright again and I can enjoy wearing my Summer clothes, but also, I’ve been feeling amazing. Whoever said that Mondays suck, didn’t know what he or she was talking about.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

Kimono love

April 22, 2015

Who doesn’t love a good, old kimono? I feel like every time when Spring arrives, I rediscover my love for kimonos since they’re so easy but a very stylish piece to wear. Just throw it over a simple tee, pair of jeans and you’re good to go. If you decide to “up” your look with some statement jewellery, you’ll def. give your simple, casual outfit a very unique touch.

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