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Lifestyle, My Work

Where is the love?!

June 13, 2016


I’m a person who barely ever watches TV. If I do watch TV then it’s usually Netflix. I never buy newspapers and I usually never read any even if I happen to see some newspapers at the cashier or at a favourite cafe.

I guess that thanks to FaceBook and my active friends, I do stay quite informed about what is going on in the world, but I take everything I read with a grain of salt and a “distant viewer” approach, meaning that I don’t take everything I read to be true, important or as dramatic as media tries to portray it to be.

Media is a powerful tool, I would say that they have the power to ruin and build the world. That is one of the reasons why I filter every news I come across and don’t allow big amounts of unnecessary information bother me. I like to live in “my own world” the one where I’m aware of what is going on around me and I do fulfil my “duties” but I also prefer to stay in that part of my own world which is ruled by love, goodness, inspiration, creativity and music. I live by the rules of heart and commands of the soul and I don’t know for better… No matter how many times I get “screwed” over for giving too much, loving too much and feeling everything so deeply… I end up hurt and upset quite many times, but I can’t live differently… I can’t “harden” my heart, be more thougher, distance myself from who I am by birth.

Ever since I was a little child, I have been led by my holy trinity of three : love, sea and music. If I had those three surrounding me, I was happy. To love and be loved in return is my motto and the biggest blessing and curse in my life. I always love too much, but so often stumble upon “closed” and hard hearts… In the past couple of years I’ve dealt with those kind of hearts too often and it all made me ask myself: “Where is the love?!” Even by filtering all of the media and information that reaches me, I can not understand all of the shootings and bombings going on all over the world. When was the spilling of blood an answer to anything? Who gives the right to a human to lift his/ her hand over the destiny of another person(s)?

Dear people… Hate, envy and darkness aren’t the roads to be followed… We all have the goodness, love and light inside of us, so the more you nurture them, the more they will prevail the dark side of us, which we all have. We are all made of yin and yang, it’s up to us which side we will choose to be. We can’t and won’t be another Mother Theresa and we don’t need to, that’s not what this article is all about, but I can not but not to realise that people have never been more as distant from each other and the source of goodness and love as they are in 2016. Situation needs to change immediately or we’ll be as good as robots and look more of a Arnold Schwarzenegger from the Terminator movie than a beautiful, sensitive and loving human race that we are supposed to be.

Peace, love and understanding… It’s not so hard to remember, acquire and spread these three words/ actions/ feelings. Let’s start today!

My heart goes out to all those affected in Beirut bombing and Florida shooting.





Lifestyle, Outfits

Starting fresh

May 2, 2016


Happy month of May everybody!! How was your weekend? Did you had a nice May Day celebrations? I had a chill weekend which consisted of long walks, “sucking up” all of the sunshine ( weather was incredible ) and having an ice cream by the beach. I went to Sea Life as well since I love the sea world and it’s creatures. ๐Ÿ™‚ Sea Life always makes me calm…

I love the idea and feeling of new, fresh beginnings and every time, when the 1st of month comes around, I feel that I have a chance to press that invisible “restart” button, sort out my thoughts, have a conversation with my inner being and get a clearer picture of the path I’ll be taking on that month(s).

I feel that the time which we’re given in this life is a gift and a curse at the same time. It’s a gift, because if we use our time right, we can do so much, we can make a big difference in the world eventually and we can def. someday die knowing that we’ve done it and seen it all… But if we don’t use the time that we’ve been given to the max, we’ll always feel somehow “lost”, uncomplished and as if the time just slipped out of our hands. E’ll wake up someday when we’re suddenly 10 years older and will have no idea where did the time in between pass by.

Writing down 5 things I’m thankful for and 5 things that I want to accomplish/ do each month does help me see and feel that I’m using my “fresh start” correctly or they give me perspective on what I could and want to do more of in the next month.

Couple of years ago I had the attitude of “there’s still time” and a lot of days were taken for granted because of that. I only now see that the time we’ve been given is so precious, uncontrollable and it might end tomorrow, so hitting the refresh or restart button every 1st of the month has proven to be a very good thing for me.. It also made me much more humble in sense that I’ve learned to find the beauty everywhere around me, in the smallest of the things. Hitting the restart button made me see that when you do a lot of little, but significant things each month, you’ll end up having a year that will equal the value of 5 years of being “lost in translation”.

Go, hit that restart button today and make this month of May the best one so far. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m wearing: Ballerinas – Chanel, Bag – Gucci, Scarf & trench – Burberry, Sunglasses – Celine, Dress & ring – Free People, Bracelet – Kate Spade, Longline blazer – L.A.M.B






Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

April 8, 2016


Good morning dear readers! Thank you so much on all of the comments on the previous two blog posts, I read every single one of them and I also try to answer all of them. Having you engaged in commenting and sharing your opinions with me is something that I value a lot and for me personally, it’s the best part of blogging – to be able to exchange the opinions on certain topics.

I’m kicking off this weekend ( Friday is weekend, right? :)) by taking it easy, running minimum errands and just chilling. Visiting a friend, possible take awayย or order in will for sure be part of my weekend too. ๐Ÿ™‚ What are your plans?

I’m sharing 5 favourite Instagram photos of this week and I’m keeping my fingers crossed to have my answers video to your Q&A’s edited and up online by this Sunday! Stay tuned and take care!

Much love!


Follow me along daily on Instagram ->ย HERE!

Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

April 1, 2016


Hello dear readers and welcome to the new chapter on my blog! I have now officially “moved” over to United Influencersย platform and after couple of nerve wrecking days of fighting the technical problems, you still might find some bits and pieces missing on the blog, but it will be all fully ready next week, so please bare with me. ๐Ÿ™‚ You can also find all of my posts easily by using the menu in top left corner and by choosing between different sections!

I’m very happy and proud to be a part of such an inspiring family of influentials and some of the biggest media profiles in Scandinavia such as : football players Ibrahimovic and Messi, biggest Swedish blogger Blondibella and Finnish ski legend Kalle Palander. I can’t wait to reach my full potential and make some of my goals and blogging dreams come true thanks to support and knowledge of an amazing team of professionals at UI group.

This Friday I’m bringing you 5 photos from Instagram and I’m also inviting you to follow my profile @natakar where I publish daily about 4-5 photos! This way you’ll get more “in person” and “in the moment” feedback from me. ๐Ÿ™‚

Enjoy the weekend sweethearts!

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Lifestyle, My Work

Decorate with Desenio

March 30, 2016

If you’ve been following my blog for a while, then you might be aware that I have moved three times inside the past two years. Last year was absolutely crazy because I have moved not just cities or countries, but a whole continent away from Helsinki. Now I’m back here and it’s going to stay like that for some time, I’m sure of that. ๐Ÿ˜€

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My Work, Outfits


March 14, 2016

New week is here and I love the “freshness” that each Monday brings! ๐Ÿ™‚ How was your weekend? What did you do? I had a relaxing weekend spent with my friends, walking around the city, enjoying the sunshine which finally arrived to Helsinki, went for a dinner date with 3 kids being part of it and have loved every moment of it! I have possibly drooled over my friend’s new bag and I have possibly purchased one too… ๐Ÿ˜€

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits


March 7, 2016

Good morning dear readers! How are you? What did you do over the weekend? Mine was very short in terms of free time and relaxing, but I don’t mind it since it was a very creative and productive weekend! I have also managed to spend some quality time with friends and that is always a wonderful bonus.

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Oriental chic

February 28, 2016

YAAAY!! Finally my favorite actor ever since ’97. won an Oscar! ๐Ÿ˜€ Congratulations to Leonardo DiCaprio for winning that little, golden man statue, he has deserved it since long, long time ago. Have you watched the Oscars? It’s one of my favorite Red Carpet events to date. Ever since I was a little kid, I loved to watch the TV broadcast. Seeing stars arriving to the Oscars in their best outfits/ looks ever was and still is so inspiring!

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Lifestyle, My Work

Five things

February 25, 2016

Good morning dear readers! This Friday I wanted to write a bit different kind of post. Five things that make me happy lately. When it’s cold and dark outside for many months, it’s easy to feel bit lethargic, unmotivated, etc. I have tried to “cope” with the Winter the best way I know of, by surrounding myself with things and people that make me feel great, give me the drive, motivation and an over all great feeling when I’m with them or doing those, mood lifting things.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Check mate

February 14, 2016

Zum-zum! My wake up call rings, I look through my window and it’s still pitch black outside… I guess we’re not that closer to Spring as I’ve been hoping for. ๐Ÿ˜€ It’s only mid of February but it feels great to start a new week with new plans, new work assignments and new adventures, no matter what’s the weather! It’s crazy how much difference a week in one’s life can make!?

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