Ok, ok, I do live in an old building, but it does have an elevator. Nice, old one… With an iron door and a wooden bench, charming one. I never ride that elevator. I live on the 6th floor and I always walk the stairs up, every single day, couple of times a day.
I’m not afraid of elevators ( even though I did get stuck 2-3 times in one of them throughout past 28 years ) but I rather walk the stairs up than take an elevator ride… There’s so much that “happens” on my walk up… Life got a whole another perspective. Now I know that there’s no an elevator to success… There are no shortcuts to “making it” in job, relationships… in life.
The best of times happen on your walk up the stairs. This walk… It might take longer than an elevator ride, it might make your butt cheeks hurt, you might even stop for a moment on your way up to catch a breath, reassess and then keep on walking the mountain of stairs again. True beauty and a key to success in anything lies exactly there, on the wavy and demanding way up. The journey which you decide to walk on every single day and everything that you learn from taking the longer, harder way up ( towards your goal ) is what will make you appreciate ( and cease ) your goal. Once you do reach it, it will give you the feeling and a unique life story that no single elevator ride ever could!
It will teach you survival, it will show you how to fight for your goal, it’ll give you tools and guidance in how to reach it too… Once you do, you’ll then see how the road to that goal has transformed you and opened some new horizons for you, so the road to another goal, dream… success keeps on shaping in the distance and you know that you must keep on moving forward. As long as you do keep on moving forward in life, it means that you’re alive and kicking’. As soon as you stop moving, you’ve signed your death bed papers.
I always say that no matter how much I have done ( and this doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate every single achievement ) I’m only as good as I was yesterday. I’m only as good of a mom as I was up until yesterday, I’m only as good of a photographer as my latest photo, I’m only as good of an influencer as my latest post. Get the picture? Always keep on moving, carving your own path and listen to your own gut on the way… On the way up to your success, with NO elevator ride there.
Have a wonderful Monday my friends! Much love to every single one of you and THANK you for every comment that you leave me here, I read all of them and try my best to answer all of them too. 🙂
I’m wearing: Boots – Chanel, Bag – Borsha, Jeans – Tiger of Sweden, Sweater – Max Mara, Coat – , Ring – Free People, Scarf & necklace – Zara, Coat – Helene Berman