
Food, My Work

Taco lunch

August 24, 2016

Tacos for lunch?! Count me in! Ever since living in LA, I got so hooked on Mexican food and there, we had plenty of options on every corner. My favourite ones ended up being Antonio’s on Merlose Blvd and Pink Taco on Sunset Blvd. Here in Helsinki, we’ve been having more and more options to eat some good Mexican food too, some of the favourites being Pueblo, Chalupa and Cholo.

Today, I wanted to share one very simple, but delicious recipe for tacos which you can easily prepare at home too. It’s also not time consuming, so you’ll have your lunch ready in max. 30 mins from the moment you start prepping it.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Tainted love

August 22, 2016

I belive that we were all born as a loving human beings. That love was installed in our “factory settings” and loving something or somebody should come easily and naturally to us… Yet, we use “love” so easily and often, we give it to the wrong people and take it from the right people, we complicate it when it shouldn’t be complicated and we leave it hanging when it should be cared for. That is what I call tainted love.

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Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

August 19, 2016

Hello my dear readers, 5 for Friday post is here! I’ve been dwelling on should I, or should I not write today’s post but then I was like: “What the heck?!” and I’ve decided to do it. I didn’t have a good week… It was actually one of the crappiest ones and bad weather didn’t help the mood. I always want to and try to inspire and bring only good and positive vibes to my blog and Instagram feed, but sometimes… Sometimes, I’m just a human, I hurt, I don’t feel good and from time to time, I think that it’s ok to say it out loud and call it a day. Or week.

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Lifestyle, My Work

Decorate with Mapiful

August 18, 2016


Funny fact about me: I used to be into interior decor for many years and I was so serious about it that I wanted to study it. That was up until the moment I have realised that a lot of “counting & calculating”, meaning mathematics was involved in those studies, so I gave up on the idea of studying interior decor. Even though I never ended up being a professional at this, I did always kept my fire and interest burning for decorating and re-organising spaces, namely my own home(s).

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Zaful dress

August 15, 2016

Good Monday morning everybody! I’m happy to start a new week presenting you my new Zaful dress. I’ve been approached by kind people at Zaful whom wanted me to choose a piece of clothing and as soon as I saw this dress, I knew that I wanted to have it. It’s so “me” since I’m a big sucker for anything feminine and floral.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Travel

5 for Friday

August 12, 2016


Sooner than I was ready for it to come, but Friday is here and I’ve decided to post my “5 for Friday” post. I’m sharing with you 5 highlights/ things I’m thankful for this week and a small roundup of my favourite photos from my Instagram feed. If you’re interested to follow my daily adventures, please check out my account here.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Espadrilles love

August 10, 2016

Good Wednesday everybody! I felt like writing just a “chit-chat” kind of post and also present you my love for these espadrilles. I have literally spent half of my Summer in them, they’re so comfy and I can combine them with almost anything in my closet. If you haven’t, I can wholeheartedly suggest you to invest in a pair of good espadrilles.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Dear Frances

August 8, 2016




Dear Frances, I’ve been meaning to write you… Thank you for making me feel so feminine, empowered, confident and strong! Thank you for being a perfect “cherry on top” to a newly found old me, just better, more improved version. I’m approaching my 29th birthday and I have never felt better in my own skin. Pair of shoes like these… Work like a pure magic in how a girl feels!

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Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

August 5, 2016


Good Friday or shall I write FRI-YAY everybody?! 🙂 I’m bringing you yet another” 5 for Friday” post. I’m kind of glad that this week is going to it’s end, the beginning of August caught me off guard and it was kind of a weird week, lots of work and errands, too little sleep and missing a good weather.

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Food, Lifestyle, My Work

Smoked salmon soup

August 3, 2016


Ever since moving to Finland about 9 and half years ago, I had a chance to try many salmon soups. Finland is very well known to serve some of the best salmon soups in the world, but I wasn’t as impressed with that many as I was expecting. Out of all of the restaurants, cafes and even some home cooked salmon soups, there were maybe 2-3 of them which made me feel like I’ve been eating something really special and delicious.

Muutettuani Suomeen noin 9 ja puoli vuotta sitten. Olen saanut maistaa monen monta lohikeittoa. Suomi on tosi tunnettu maailman parhaista lohikeitoistaan, se on jo käsite maailmalla. Mutta en ollut loppujen lopuksi hirveän vakuuttunut monestakaan kokeilemasta keitosta. Kaikista ravintoloiden, kahviloiden ja jopa kotitekoisista keitoista, ehkä 2-3 saivat minut tunteman että olen syönyt jotakin todella erikoista ja herkullista.

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