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Food, Lifestyle, Travel

Summer in Croatia

June 8, 2015

Good Monday morning!!

I’m happy to wake up to another sunny day and fresh, clean air! One thing that I have learned to appreciate while living in LA was the luxury of “inhaling” fresh air. That’s one of these small things that you take for granted without even thinking of how crucial they are until you don’t have them.

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Food, Lifestyle, Travel


June 6, 2015

Good morning my dear readers! I’m sorry about couple of days of silence here on the blog, but it was very much needed. After having crazy stressful times just before leaving the LA, then an overseas flight ( with a little kid on board ), arriving to Helsinki and straight going into business meetings with the biggest jet lag ever and complete lack of sleep, I have finally landed in Croatia 3 days ago and I just couldn’t phrase a normal sentence up until this morning.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits


May 31, 2015

Hello from Europe everybody! I have landed safely after a very long overseas flight, long layover and a short connecting flight to Helsinki. I haven’t slept more than couple of hours altogether in the past couple of days, but I’m hoping to get rid of jet lag soon so that I can fully enjoy the good ol’ Helsinki and Croatia to the fullest.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

House of blues

May 28, 2015

House of blues! What a legendary bar / concert venue / restaurant it is!? We took these outfit photos in front of the restaurant side of the building and it served as a perfect backdrop to my laid-back, boho-ish outfit. πŸ™‚

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

Santa Monica Pier

May 24, 2015

Well, hello my dear readers!! How are you? How was the weekend? It’s a long weekend here in LA, since we’re celebrating Memorial Day and Monday feels like a Sunday had hungover and decided to sleep over all the way to Tuesday. πŸ˜€

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LA, Lifestyle, Travel

Discover Los Angeles: Downtown

May 21, 2015

Here’s a 1st part of photos from Downtown LA. We went twice there so far and some parts of it, incredibly remind me of NYC. First time visiting DTLA I didn’t bring my camera with me but yesterday, I simply had to bring it with me to capture some moments and locations which I knew we were going to pass by.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

Right to live

May 19, 2015

Turning back and forth in my bed… It’s the middle of the night, or some would say early in the morning. No matter what I’ve tried to do ( like count the invisible sheep village ), I just can’t get myself to fall asleep again. Nice! Only 4 hours of sleep, it will be a “fun” day of zombie like looks and low energy levels. I check my phone and it’s showing 4:30 am.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits, Travel

Blue Jam

May 17, 2015

Hello dear readers! Here’s to a great start of the new working week! I hope that you have relaxed during the weekend and are energised to rule the world this Monday. πŸ˜€ I had a nice weekend, besides visiting my favourite spots for coffee and brunch, running errands and visiting Farmer’s Market, I’ve met friends from Sweden which were in town this week and it was so nice to see them all the way here in LA because the last time we saw them was in Stockholm just a little bit before we took off over the pond. πŸ™‚

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

Care about me

May 12, 2015

I’m barely writing this post from my bed, meaning that it’s hard to keep my eyes open and not fall asleep. I’ve been walking for over 8 miles today and while it def. felt great to spend time outdoors and in nature, it was exhausting and I’m so ready to hit the dreamland and it’s only 9:30 pm in LA. πŸ˜€ Am I getting old or what?! Anyway, it was a great day today and I’m happy to be in this positive mood… Makes daily life so much easier to deal with and at the same time it gives me a clearer picture of my future, what I want and how to get there.

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LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

In your face

May 10, 2015

What a wonderful day I had today!? It was one of those days that I’ll always remember. I woke up just to right away be smothered with kisses and Mother’s Day wishes from my daughter, followed by the presents which she picked herself ( with a little “shopping” help, but still πŸ™‚ ).

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