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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

C’est la vie

December 12, 2016

Look at that, less than 2 weeks left until Christmas! The countdown is “on”! As I have already mentioned, I’ve been loving seeing the Christmas lights, decorations, etc. all over the city and am still in the process of decorating my own home for Christmas too. We got a small Christmas tree with some girly ornaments and all that needs to be done is to take some chilled back moment with my daughter to put it all up nicely.

If you wish to follow my daily adventures and small highlights of any random day, do follow me on @natakar Instagram profile. There will be also great giveaways starting as of today, so keep your eyes on it! 🙂 One of the things I’ll be giving away is a star of today’s outfit, but I won’t reveal it all just yet. 😀

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Nicole Vienna Soir

December 5, 2016

Time… Took me by my wings, kept me places and surrounded by the souls I was not prepared to travel to or meet. Time also brought me to places and got me to meet souls who have been such an essence of my life. Some places and people will make you feel as if the time has stopped or at least you forget about checking your watch and can barely hear that little ticking reminding us that each tick-tock makes our star dust made bodies older and more vulnerable, closer to it’s expiration date.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Travelling light

November 28, 2016

For some reason, the past week I’ve come across two big contrasts in people’s personalities: the kindness, humbleness as well as pretentiousness, egoism and no compassion for others. My brain and soul are of such kind which never stop thinking, feeling, wondering and live through everything 100%, so the processing of some people and situations might take a while for me… This time of the year, just a little bit before Christmas is when I’m more than ever sensitive to cold, be it from the weather or from the people’s personalities, both get to me strongly.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Bundled up

November 14, 2016

Over the past week and half, it got really cold and very Wintery in Helsinki. First snow arrived and so did the low temp., slippery ground and ice tramps everywhere. Trench coats and sneakers were replaced by layers and layers of clothes, Winter coats and boots. I have to admit that I did love the appearance of the snow, but I did not enjoy one bit of coldness and having to wear tons of layers. The forecast savvy people are predicting that the snow will melt away by the end of this week and that the weather will warm up a little before Narnia like snow storms come back again. 🙂

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Give my heart to

November 7, 2016

I love book shops… Yes, I’m that girl which is “old fashioned” and will always prefer having a physical book or CD in her hands than to buy it online as kindle or just have it downloaded on my iTunes. As I’m browsing through the rows of massive amount of books, looking for some inspiration as well as a possible Christmas presents to some of my dear people, I come across a book… Book which imprinted a “WHAT?!” type of grin on my face.  Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Why do you blog?

October 31, 2016

This blog started years ago as a fun place where I’ve been just sporadically publishing my outfits with almost no text at all or just a few lines and additional photos from my everyday life, but nothing too “constructive” or with any other point than having some sort of online diary and leaving it to the Internet universe to discover my blog and engage or follow if people wanted to. I didn’t put much thought into this whole “blogging” thing up until 2 years ago when I have come to terms that I care about this blog too much to let it go and that I want it to be more than some online diary which is just out there, in the sea of 1 million other active and nonactive, similar blogs.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

How to be happy

October 17, 2016

I’m a girl which never takes a break… I will always keep on going at all costs. Heck, sometimes I don’t even take a break to cry and have a proper “breakdown” moment, but I deal with everything on the go or by swiping it “under the carpet” until I can, at some point, deal with it.

I just ride, ride and ride, I succeed, I fail, I get disappointed or I get proud, about myself or about people which I encounter… But I feel that I never take a proper moment to just “be” and process everything that’s happened, good or bad, people which I’ve met, etc.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Happiness Boutique

October 10, 2016

I’m starting this Monday with a bit different post by introducing you to Happiness Boutique, an online destination for unique and accessible jewellery. Happiness boutique’s main aim is to bring you their two biggest inspirations: fashion and happiness in one place.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

October files

October 3, 2016

Stepping outside… Fresh, crisp Fall air hits my cheeks and the sunny, but cold rays of sunshine blindfold me for a moment as I start walking off into yet another day of 12-ish hours of breathing, living, moving, feeling, dreaming… Consciously, until I fall asleep and do all of that unconsciously. I believe that we never wake up, we’re always in the state of some kind of “Winter’s sleep”, just that our imagination runs wilder during the night as we’re sleeping.  Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

What is beautiful?

September 26, 2016

We are born perfect. Little angels sent to the hands of our parents, completely unaware of anything, not even having a good sight, not being able to speak or move on our own, yet, we come to this earth as a perfection. Our parents see us as a beautiful gift… As we grow up and become more aware of ourselves and world that surrounds us, we realise that there are equally wonderful, perfect human beings around us too. We see our parents as our queens and kings, moms are the most beautiful creatures ever and dads are the charmers in their own way too. 😉 When we looked at ourselves in the mirror as little babies or toddlers, we would finally be aware of ourselves too. We would see how beautiful and cute we are, we would smile back at the reflection in the mirror and run off happily, minding our own day…

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