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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

3 ways to instantly feel better

April 10, 2018

How to instantly feel better? I have 3 easy ways which always make me feel better. Just before Easter I was feeling very good about myself, my work flow was steady and I would wake up with a very positive attitude each morning. I took some time off to just chill during the Easter but somehow I fell into a “funk” and couldn’t seem to get out of it for the most of the past week. Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Beach club

June 22, 2017

No alarm clock ringing… I’m slowly waking up naturally and making my way out of the bed to the kitchen. I’m putting my water to warm up and cutting up the lemon. I’m opening the windows and the sun shines beautifully, birds are chirping, pigeons are gagging and the locals are having random conversations just under the window.  Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

When I’m gone

November 21, 2016

Some years ago, I had this internal fight with myself that I have to do everything perfectly, that I need to be perfect and that only when these two are “all perfect”, I’ll get to where I want to be in life and I’ll get what I want from life… NOT!

First of all, there’s no such thing as perfection since I’m not a god, I’m just a human with tons of flaws. My flaws will be a great match to some other people’s flaws and they’ll see them as something fun, interesting and nothing near bad or disturbing. My flaws will also be of annoyance to others and since I can’t and am “too old” to want to anymore people please or try to blend in to perfectly do or fit in somewhere, I’ll rather call it a day and concentrate to get the best of my flaws and share it with people who love me for me.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

October files

October 3, 2016

Stepping outside… Fresh, crisp Fall air hits my cheeks and the sunny, but cold rays of sunshine blindfold me for a moment as I start walking off into yet another day of 12-ish hours of breathing, living, moving, feeling, dreaming… Consciously, until I fall asleep and do all of that unconsciously. I believe that we never wake up, we’re always in the state of some kind of “Winter’s sleep”, just that our imagination runs wilder during the night as we’re sleeping.  Continue Reading…

Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Needing less, getting more

May 16, 2016


As you might remember from my previous posts, I’ve been mentioning that I would be attending my friend’s wedding and it happened two days ago in a little town on the South of Croatia. Little town in which I grew up, went to school in and have so much that still connects me to it. Some of the memories will never die and I will always in a way or another have special place for this town in my heart.

I was happy to bring along my daughter with me to the wedding ceremony to witness one of the most beautiful moments and highlights of any relationship. I know that real love doesn’t need any papers, stamps or “files” but when there is a wedding happening already, it’s such a sweet and magical moment which makes everybody equally happy and excited to see the smiles and proudness on the faces of the bride and groom.

Seeing my friend and her now husband getting married, having that magical love aura surrounding them and being just so truly happy in that moment, right there and then surrounded by the closest people made me realise how little we need to be truly happy and how often we think that we need this or that in order to be someday completely happy. I have already touched base on this same subject before and it’s more clear to me now than ever before that…

There’s no such thing as complete happiness and there are no formulas on how to get happiness come to or be part of your daily life. We all hurt and cry, we all laugh and love, it’s just up to our inner selves how much we’ll let the real happiness be part of our daily lives. Seeing my daughter being excited and happy about the smallest things such as Kinder Surprise and which toy she’ll get in it made me think more and realise that happiness truly does lie in the smallest things and it’s never about the big things, let alone materialistic ones. I have been “guilty” of thinking that having more will give you more happiness, stability, closure… Whatever! That’s bullocks my dear readers. Core of real happiness is inside of us and it’s not up to anybody else OR hoarding on things to make us happy… It’s up to us to let ourselves BE happy and appreciate the smallest, daily life miracles. It is a miracle and a pure happiness to open your eyes every day and know that you are alive, that you breathe, that you have a possibility to do a good deed, that you have a chance to put a smile on another person’s face, that you have the choice to surprise a friend with a flower bouquet… That you have an option to be happy and spread happiness anywhere you go. It’s not in the big things, it’s not in materialistic things… It’s in that kid’s honest smile, it’s in that perfect ice cream ball in a cone, it’s in the sun that is shining today…

Thank you for reading and commenting my dears, you are among other “small things” what makes me so happy day in-day out. 🙂

I’m wearing: Shoes – Marc by Marc Jacobs, Jeans – Tiger of Sweden, Shirt – Pepe Jeans, Bag – Chloe, Bracelet – HOH1960, Long blazer – Uusi Kuu, Trench – , Sunnies – Dita, Earrings – Chanel




LA, Lifestyle, Outfits

Tres chic

April 14, 2015

What a Tuesday!? I had such a “weird” but beautiful and very inspiring day. You know these days, when totally unexpected, so many things get cleared out and you have much better vision of what exactly you need to do in order to take the next step in the right direction.

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