Due to quite a few sunny and warm days in the past two weeks, Helsinki got a whole new “coating” of Spring-ish beauty! 🙂 I can’t hide my excitement about the sunshine and much longer days. I almost had to pinch myself when checking at my watch and realising that the daylight lasts past 4 pm. Continue Reading…
Happy Monday my dear readers! I hope that your weekend went well and that it has also set you off to a productive start of the new working week. I had pretty chilled two days revolving around catching up on some work I’ve been behind with due to my exhaustion from nasty virus infection I’ve been fighting for the past two weeks.
Travelling… Something I’ve been a “fan” of since the first trip I ever took and it was when I was only few months old. 😀 First trip which I clearly remember was when I was about 8-9 years old and have travelled to Moscow, Russia with my mom and sister to visit our Russian family and relatives.
My mom always said that I was the easiest kid to travel with because you could literally “pack” me into a suitcase and send me off anywhere and I’d be happy! I was such an explorer since the early age and even though I have travelled a lot in the past 29 years, I still haven’t seen even a glimpse of what I want to see around the world.
Happy 2017 everybody!!! First post of the new year is here and I wanted to take my time writing it to make sure that I’m publishing the right material. I’m visiting Croatia at the moment and am happy to start this year by travelling and taking some well deserved time off.
I’ve spent couple of days in the capital city, Zagreb and was so happy to meet some of my oldest friends as well as have a coffee with some of my Croatian blogging colleagues. The weather is beautiful and even though it’s been cold, the bright daylight and occasional sun rays made a world of difference in how energetic and happy I feel.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year they say… I couldn’t but notice this weekend that magic has been bit “thrown” aside and the craziness of shopping everything and anything, pushing in the overcrowded shops and such has taken over everybody… Everywhere!
While I’m “guilty” of shopping last minute for the Christmas presents and thinking of people whom I love and what I want them to receive on these holidays… I had to just stop for a moment and think of what is it that Christmas is all about? What is the true essence of it?
Over the past week and half, it got really cold and very Wintery in Helsinki. First snow arrived and so did the low temp., slippery ground and ice tramps everywhere. Trench coats and sneakers were replaced by layers and layers of clothes, Winter coats and boots. I have to admit that I did love the appearance of the snow, but I did not enjoy one bit of coldness and having to wear tons of layers. The forecast savvy people are predicting that the snow will melt away by the end of this week and that the weather will warm up a little before Narnia like snow storms come back again. 🙂
I love book shops… Yes, I’m that girl which is “old fashioned” and will always prefer having a physical book or CD in her hands than to buy it online as kindle or just have it downloaded on my iTunes. As I’m browsing through the rows of massive amount of books, looking for some inspiration as well as a possible Christmas presents to some of my dear people, I come across a book… Book which imprinted a “WHAT?!” type of grin on my face. Continue Reading…
This blog started years ago as a fun place where I’ve been just sporadically publishing my outfits with almost no text at all or just a few lines and additional photos from my everyday life, but nothing too “constructive” or with any other point than having some sort of online diary and leaving it to the Internet universe to discover my blog and engage or follow if people wanted to. I didn’t put much thought into this whole “blogging” thing up until 2 years ago when I have come to terms that I care about this blog too much to let it go and that I want it to be more than some online diary which is just out there, in the sea of 1 million other active and nonactive, similar blogs.
I love layered outfits, period! As much as I’m a sucker for Summer, bare feet, messy hair, simple tee and denim shorts on, I’m equally loving more complex and layered outfits. Usually, this far into Fall, I live in layered outfits. If I can stay warm while being stylish, that’s a double score in my books! 🙂
Let’s start with the “champagne popping” announcement – I’M 29!! Happy birthday to me! Yeee!!! Now that we’re over with that egocentric crap, let me continue this post on a more meaningful note. I know that there were ( and will be ) many similar posts with thoughts on turning 29 around the net, this last blissful year of a “20-something” but I still wanted to write my own post with some reflections… No matter how many similarities there might be in these kind of posts, I think that everybody has lived different kind of life and therefore I find it that everybody has something to “add” of their own…