
Food, Lifestyle, My Work

Gourmet moment: Baked arctic char

October 12, 2016

This Wednesday shall start off with a yummy recipe in my “Gourmet moment” where I share my home cooked meals with you which will hopefully inspire you to try cooking and experimenting with different food at home. Cooking at home is therapeutic for me and I love to challenge myself and always try to either invent some new recipes or twist and adjust already tried recipes and make them even better. 🙂

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Happiness Boutique

October 10, 2016

I’m starting this Monday with a bit different post by introducing you to Happiness Boutique, an online destination for unique and accessible jewellery. Happiness boutique’s main aim is to bring you their two biggest inspirations: fashion and happiness in one place.

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Lifestyle, My Work

Sunday cafe

October 9, 2016

Good Sunday morning everybody! How are you doing? What are your plans for today? In case that you’re starting your day slowly and have some time to spare, I invite you to meet a new guest on my blog as part of my new section “Sunday cafe” ( read the previous post here ). Meet my lovely friend Rita, a fellow photographer, wonderful young woman with bursting positive energy and an addictive laughter. I call her a Hilary Duff’s twin sister. 😀

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Beauty, Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

October 7, 2016

Hello Friday! I’m loving you already, because I’m in a big, thick need of a good and relaxing weekend. I do have to run quite a few errands because I’m having an important and very long Monday with two different photo shoots and settings, so a lot has yet to be done… BUT! I will do my best to have a chilled weekend. I felt like the past 1 and half months were so hectic and filled with so much on my schedule, all the time that I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that my birthday is in less than 2 weeks. Say what?!

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Food, Lifestyle, My Work

Gourmet moment: Citrus chicken

October 5, 2016

As you might have already noticed, I love to cook at home and create new as well as re-create some of my all time favourite dishes. The recipe which I’ll share with you today is one of the ultimate favourites in my family and everybody loves it equally as much. I love to prepare it on Sunday, when I usually feel really lazy but I still want to cook something healthy, so this recipe then comes in as a perfect saviour since it doesn’t require much time spent by the stove and oven, but the outcome is always a super delicious one.

Kuten olet jo ehkÀ saattanut huomata. MinÀ rakastan ruoan laittamista kotona. Rakastan kehitellÀ uusia, kuin myös muuttaa jo valmiita ruoka annoksia. Resepti minkÀ jaan tÀnÀÀn teidÀn kanssanne on yksi perheeni suosikeista. Ja kaikki meidÀn perheessÀmme ovat siihen yhtÀ ihastuneita. Haluan yleensÀ valmistaa tÀmÀn ruoka annoksen Sunnuntaisin. SillÀ se on yleensÀ se pÀivÀ jolloin tunnen itseni laiskaksi, mutta haluaisin silti valmistaa jotakin terveellistÀ ruokaa. TÀmÀ annos on siihen tarkoitukseen tÀydellinen, sillÀ se ei vaadi paljon aikaa hellan ja uunin ÀÀrellÀ. Mutta lopputulos on silti todella herkullinen.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

October files

October 3, 2016

Stepping outside… Fresh, crisp Fall air hits my cheeks and the sunny, but cold rays of sunshine blindfold me for a moment as I start walking off into yet another day of 12-ish hours of breathing, living, moving, feeling, dreaming… Consciously, until I fall asleep and do all of that unconsciously. I believe that we never wake up, we’re always in the state of some kind of “Winter’s sleep”, just that our imagination runs wilder during the night as we’re sleeping.  Continue Reading…

Food, Lifestyle, My Work

Visit Helsinki: Farang

September 29, 2016

First ever to open restaurant by Matti Wikberg and Tomi Björck was Farang. After Farang came another 4 restaurants which create BW restaurants that are equally successful and operating in Helsinki ,Finland and Stockholm, Sweden.

Farang brings your senses on a foodie trip to Southeast Asia, with strong Thai influences, where the “magic” of food lies in sharing it from big bowls and eating a lot of the dishes by using either spoon or with fingers.

Farang oli ensimmÀinen Matti Wikbergin ja Tomi Björkin avaama ravintola. Farangin jÀlkeen 4 muuta ravintolaa ovat myös avanneet myöhemmin ovensa. Ja kaikki nÀmÀ BW ravintolat ovat yhtÀ menestyksekkÀitÀ ja ne toimivat HelsingissÀ ja Tukholmassa Ruotsissa.

Farang tarjoaa Foodie matkan aisteja Kaakkois-Aasiaan, höystettynĂ€ Thaimaan vaikutteilla. TÀÀllĂ€ ruuan “taika” perustuu jakamiseen isoista kulhoista, syöden joko lusikalla tai sormin.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

What is beautiful?

September 26, 2016

We are born perfect. Little angels sent to the hands of our parents, completely unaware of anything, not even having a good sight, not being able to speak or move on our own, yet, we come to this earth as a perfection. Our parents see us as a beautiful gift… As we grow up and become more aware of ourselves and world that surrounds us, we realise that there are equally wonderful, perfect human beings around us too. We see our parents as our queens and kings, moms are the most beautiful creatures ever and dads are the charmers in their own way too. 😉 When we looked at ourselves in the mirror as little babies or toddlers, we would finally be aware of ourselves too. We would see how beautiful and cute we are, we would smile back at the reflection in the mirror and run off happily, minding our own day…

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Lifestyle, My Work

Sunday cafe

September 25, 2016

Good Sunday my dear readers and welcome to a new cycle of posts on my blog, “Sunday cafe”! I’ve been living in Finland for almost 9 years and thought this time I have met many wonderful, inspiring individuals and creatives whom have impressed me with their personalities, work, etc. I wanted to start something new on the blog, so since I see L’art of fashion as a place where I like to inspire, share and bring always something beautiful to an “ordinary”. I thought that a sit down chat with a likeminded individuals would be something that would interest you too…

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Food, Lifestyle, My Work

Visit Helsinki: Boulevard Social

September 22, 2016

It’s been couple of months since I’ve been to a wonderful restaurant in the heart of Helsinki city – Boulevard Social. If you are interested, you can read my previous review here. It was around Christmas time when I had the pleasure to try the enchanting tastes and flavours of Mediterranean delight at Boulevard Social. Third restaurant to open by the BW restaurant chain, but nothing less successful or amazing as compared to the other restaurants.

SiitĂ€ on muutama kuukausi aikaa kun kĂ€vin viimeksi tĂ€ssĂ€ mahtavassa ravintolassa, mikĂ€ sijaitsee aivan Helsingin sydĂ€messĂ€ – NimittĂ€in Boulevard Socialissa. Jos olet kiinnostunut niin voit lukea minun edellisen arvosteluni tÀÀltĂ€. Se taisi olla viime vuonna Joulun aikoihin kun minulla oli ilo pÀÀstĂ€ kokeilemaan nĂ€itĂ€ lumoavia VĂ€limeren makuja Boulevard Socialissa. Kolmannessa ravintolassa minkĂ€ BW ravintola ketju on aikoinaan avannut. Ja se ei ole yhtÀÀn sen vĂ€hĂ€pĂ€töisempi ravintola kun ne ketjun aikaisemmatkaan paikat.

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