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Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

September 9, 2016

Well hello Friday!! Who’s exciting for the weekend? It’s been a gorgeous, sunny week and looks like the weekend will be the same. I had tons of work but also fun this week and today + weekend will be completely filled with great people, work, food, events and I’m going to spend about few hours at home in the next three days and I like the way it sounds. 😀

What are your plans for this weekend? Fun and action filled one like mine or more chilled and cozy one at home?

I’d like to share some of randomly picked photos from my Instagram feed and also my top 5s this week!

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Food, Lifestyle, My Work

Visit Helsinki: YUME-tastic

September 7, 2016

I’m not sure how many of you have watched or remember the legendary TV series “Cheers”? That little cafe where “everybody knows your name”? Yep, that’s how I feel each time I step inside of Yume restaurant, as my second home, place where everybody knows my name and every time I come there, I know that I’m up for a special treat. Ever since discovering Yume’s fusion flavours bringing us the best of tastes of Asia, I have been a devoted fan of their kitchen and vision. After following through their 4 menu changes, I can only say that they’ve been getting more and more inspiring with the selection of dishes on the menu and the way how they get the best out of each dish is still unresolved mystery to me. 😀 How can they deliver at all times with all of the dishes on the menu? I mean, their sides are equally mind-blowing too.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Golden stripes

September 5, 2016

We’re couple of days into a new month, so happy September to all of my readers! September always marks the end of Summer and beginning of Fall in my “calendar” and with that in mind, I can not escape thinking about the final 4 months of this year. Can you believe it? Only that little is left of 2016 and I intend on giving my best to those final 4 months before embarking onto a whole new year, some new wishes, promises, dreams…

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Food, Lifestyle, My Work

Visit Helsinki: Pastis brunch

August 31, 2016

Pastis is the anise flavoured spirit and aperitif from France, typically containing up to 45% alcohol by the volume and 100 gr of sugar per litre. This is the mini task I gave to myself upon visiting Pastis last weekend for brunch – to check out the meaning of word/ name “Pastis”. I saw beautiful, empty bottles labeled Pastis by the big restaurant’s windows and that’s when the curiosity about the name started.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Different kind

August 29, 2016

Being of a different kind… Let me tell you, not an easy path to follow. Ever since my birth, I was of a different kind and it took me a loooong time to recognise and then accept this. While I always knew deep down inside who I am, what I feel, think and what I want, I had hard times accepting the fact that being of a different kind means walking many different roads often alone than with a company.

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Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

August 26, 2016

Good morning dear readers! How are you? Are you happy that the last weekend of August is here? Can you believe that the Summer is pretty much over and that we’re only 2 months away from Halloween? How crazy is that!?! Yep, time flies and my calendar filled up means that everybody/ everything is back in the business and it’s time to start making some plans for the final months of this year.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Tainted love

August 22, 2016

I belive that we were all born as a loving human beings. That love was installed in our “factory settings” and loving something or somebody should come easily and naturally to us… Yet, we use “love” so easily and often, we give it to the wrong people and take it from the right people, we complicate it when it shouldn’t be complicated and we leave it hanging when it should be cared for. That is what I call tainted love.

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Lifestyle, My Work

5 for Friday

August 19, 2016

Hello my dear readers, 5 for Friday post is here! I’ve been dwelling on should I, or should I not write today’s post but then I was like: “What the heck?!” and I’ve decided to do it. I didn’t have a good week… It was actually one of the crappiest ones and bad weather didn’t help the mood. I always want to and try to inspire and bring only good and positive vibes to my blog and Instagram feed, but sometimes… Sometimes, I’m just a human, I hurt, I don’t feel good and from time to time, I think that it’s ok to say it out loud and call it a day. Or week.

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Lifestyle, My Work

Decorate with Mapiful

August 18, 2016


Funny fact about me: I used to be into interior decor for many years and I was so serious about it that I wanted to study it. That was up until the moment I have realised that a lot of “counting & calculating”, meaning mathematics was involved in those studies, so I gave up on the idea of studying interior decor. Even though I never ended up being a professional at this, I did always kept my fire and interest burning for decorating and re-organising spaces, namely my own home(s).

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Zaful dress

August 15, 2016

Good Monday morning everybody! I’m happy to start a new week presenting you my new Zaful dress. I’ve been approached by kind people at Zaful whom wanted me to choose a piece of clothing and as soon as I saw this dress, I knew that I wanted to have it. It’s so “me” since I’m a big sucker for anything feminine and floral.

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