I grew up in a small village, while that was a blessing because I was protected at all times and I had a huge freedom of living a carefree childhood, playing for as long as I wanted outdoors, hiding in the forest, just sitting by the sea for an hour or even staying at my friend’s place over for lunch without having to inform my family about it ( there was no cellphones but only phones and after only few phone calls around, my parents would know where I was at ). To some extent, growing up in such a small and closed community, it was a bit of problem for me later on in my life. I was scared of being introduced to new people or go out in a big group of people.
I didn’t knew that I was growing up to be an introverted extrovert… As much as I have loved to play with other kids Native Americans, build our Indian tribe and put up tents in the forest, I loved staying at home, reading a book or listening to radio and tape record my favourite songs equally much.
Sometimes, I was not as “popular” or wanted person to play or hang around with as we were growing up, because it was hard to understand why I wouldn’t wanna come somewhere on that specific day or why I wasn’t sometimes the most talkative person around… Sometimes, in high school times, while everybody from our group of friends would be going out over the weekend or in Summer to a beach party, I would sometimes rather choose to stay at home, write some poetry, draw or just watch the sky full of stars from my bedroom window and listen to my favourite band in the dark. Those were magical moments to me and as special and crucial as my memories and times spent with friends are too.
By the end of high school, I have started to feel more comfortable in speaking to unknown people or meeting a whole new group of people, but still, after such day or couple of days, I would realise that a day or two of “loneliness” is just what I needed in order to be in the balance with my inner self.
It took me a long time to realise that nothing is wrong or weird about me for being different and sometimes, wanting to just be alone from time to time in my own introverted world. It took me time to understand that it’s ok not wanting to always be the most outgoing and entertaining person around. When my extroverted side prevails, I can humbly say that I can be one of the most outgoing, talkative and funniest people to be around with and we’ll always have hell of a fun on a night out, but at the same time, when my introverted side prevails, I’ll be totally fine spending couple of days without communicating much, just being on my own and daydreaming in my own world.
So who are you? Introvert? Extrovert? Or a little bit of both, just like me? 🙂
*If you wish to buy these same sunglasses and necklace ( or similar to those ) you may use the code NATAKAR20 on https://www.ilymix.com site-wide and get 20% off at the checkout. They ship worldwide!
Vartuin pienessä kylässä. Mikä oli onni. Sillä elin koko lapsuusajan turvassa, ja minulla oli vapaus elää huoletonta elämää kasvaessani. Leikkien ulkona niin pitkään kun halusin, tai piiloutuen vaikka metsään. Tai istuen ihaillen merenrannalla tuntikausia. Tai mennä ystävän luokse lounaalle, niin että minun ei koskaan tarvinnut ilmoittaa siitä kotiin etukäteen (siihen aikaa ei ollut kännyköitä, van lankapuhelimia. Ja ainoastaan pari vanhempieni soittamaa tarkistus puhelua kertoivat heille, että missä minä kulloinkin olin. Jossain määrin se seikka että kasvoin noin pienessä ja suljetussa yhteisössä sai aikaan sen. Että minun oli myöhemmässä vaiheessa vaikeuksia tutustua uusiin ihmisiin. Tai mennä ulos suuremman seurueen kanssa.
En osannut aavistaa että minusta kasvaisi sisäänpäinkääntynyt sosiaalinen henkilö. Niin paljon kun rakastinkin leikkiä inkkari leikkejä toisten lasten kanssa. Rakentaen intiaani heimoja, ja pystyttäen telttoja metsään. Rakastin kotona yksin olemista, kirjojen lukemista, radion kuuntelemista. Ja omien suosikki kappaleiden äänittämistä/kopiomista c-kasetille yhtä paljon.
En aina ollut se halutuin ja suosituin henkilö jonka kanssa leikkiä tai viettää aikaa silloin kun vartuttiin. Sillä moni ei ymmärtänyt sitä että en aina jaksanut lähteä jonnekin jonain tiettynä päivänä. Ja sitä etten aina ollut se puheliain henkilö. Joskus lukion aikoihin. Kun kaikki muut minun ystäväpiiristäni lähtivät ulos viikonloppuna. Tai menivät ranta pippaloihin. Valitsin useasti mielummin jäädä kotiin. Runoja kirjoittaen, piirtäen, katsoen huoneeni ikkunasta avautuvaa kaunista tähtitaivasta tai vaan kuunnellen suosikki bändini musiikkia pimeässä. Nämä olivat minulle taianomaisia hetkiä. Ihan yhtä lailla kuin kaikki yhdessä vietetyt ihanat hetket ystävieni kanssakin olivat.
Koin helpommaksi puhua uusien ihmisten kanssa, tai tutustua uusiin ihmisiin lukion loppussa. Mutta huomasin silti vielä sellaisten päivien jälkeen. Että päivä tai pari “yksinäisyyttä” oli tarpeen, jotta voisin taas olla oma itseni.
Kesti pitkään tajuta että siinä ei ole mitään vikaa tai ihmeellistä jos on erilainen kun muut. Ja haluaa joskus viettää aikaa yksin omassa sulkeutuneessa maailmassa. Ja se otti aikansa ymmärtää. Että aina ei tarvitse olla maailman sosiaalisin tai viihdyttävin henkilö. Voin nöyrimmin kertoa että silloin toisinaan kun minun ekstrovertti minäni pulpahtaa pintaa. Osaan olla se maailman sosiaalisin, puheliain, ja hauskin ihminen jonka kanssa on super hauskaa illanvieton yhteydessä. Mutta samaan aikaan silloin kun se minun introvertti puoli on valloillaan. Minulle ei tuota minkäänlaista ongelmaa olla pari päivää ihan rauhassa ja unelmoiden itsekseni. Ilman sen suurempaa kommunikointia.
Kumpi sinä olet? Sisäänpäinsuuntautunut henkilö? Sosiaalinen henkilö? Vai molemmat niin kuin minä?
Lovely! Love your sunglasses!
Thank you Violette!
Nice to read your story, a bit of both is always good. I like your sunnies.
Thank you dear and I agree with you!
Being a introverted extrovert is, for me, the ideal Lifestyle. And I am glad that you discovered this, too.
For me it was being an only child (and I wasn’t spoiled), and had to make my own entertainment. Draw and paint. Read (oh how I read) and make things.
Natali. My childhood and earlier years are very similar to yours, and I could write you pages.
Finally. That dress you are wearing is rather lovely. Those little sleeves are so cute.
Thank you for sharing more about you. It’s lovely. X
Minusta löytyy ihan samoin molemmat puolet, olen välillä sosiaalinen ja toisinaan taas rakastan olla yksinään omissa maailmoissa. No yleensä sitten on koirat seurana, mutta niille ei tarvitse puhua, jos ei jaksa. 😀 Jos pitää/saa olla kovin sosiaalinen työssä, niin vapaa-ajalla on ihanaa olla ihan yksin. Ihana asu. <3 Kivaa viikkoa Natali!
… and have you thought that, not only are you a beautiful Mother with a lovely daughter.
You are like a Mother Hen, and we, your faithful followers, are your brood of fluffy chicks, hanging on to your every word and look.
So, no pressure there then.
I used to be an extrovert but with age, I’ve withdrawn more to myself and become and introvert. With the time I’ve learned that the more of yourself you expose the chances to get hurt increase exponentially.
Does this make sense?
Much love to you,
Oh yes, I know what you mean! The more you’re open and the more you give yourself to others, the more chances are you’ll get hurt and disappointed, but we can’t escape some things happening to us, but what we can do is to limit how much and to whom we spend our time with and give our “power” to. No matter what, just always be yourself and people who like you, will like you just the way you are. 🙂
Lovely style <3
Anela from Fashion Roulette
Thank you Anela!
I must say, that I am introvert and extrovert too. I love my friends but sometimes I need be alone, with myself and book for example.. Great post and wonderful look 🙂
I absolutely feel exactly the same! Thank you for the compliment Nada!
Ja sam oduvijek bila oboje, ovisno o raspoloženju i motivaciji i volim takav način funkcioniranja iako bi mi ponekad bilo draže da imam volje konstantno biti vani među novim ljudima od druženja sa samom sobom, ali što je tu je 🙂 Preslatka ti je haljinica! Uživaj u novom tjednu :*
Great post lovely! x
Thank you very much!
Pa rekla bih oboje! Kao i ti, kada sam bila manja pa negdje do 19/20. godine sam bila dosta povučena te su me ljudi smatrali ili “mutavom” ili arogantnom 🙂 Nisam baš bila nešto ludo za drušvo… S vremenom se to promijenilo i postala sam puno otvorenija i pristupačnija iako, nikada nisam niti ću biti onaj tip koji je srce svake zabave i društva (to je moj muž npr.)… Volim biti u drštvu ali i cijenim tišinu i “me time” 🙂
Prava damaska kombinacija. Znam da kittenice nosiš primarno zbog visine ali su uistinu stvarno predivne… sviđa mi se što si jednostavnu haljinicu upotpunila cool ogrlicom i maramom tako da wow-izgledaš predivno! 🙂
This dress is sooo beautiful. Love the sleeve detail <3
Thank you Fiona, I like that detail too. 🙂
Everyone needs some “me” time !
Tamara – LoveofMode.com
I am an ambivert myself (a bit of introverted and a bit of extroverted). I could never quite fit into those two, glad to know more people are in-between 🙂 BTW Lovely outfit, very girly and elegant!
I’m a little of both. I love to go out partying when I feel like it and I can be queen of the dance floor hahaha but I also love to spend time alone, doing my own things or just chilling. You look so chic in this dress. xoxoxo
Como se puede ser tan ideal! me ha gustado mucho ese vestido!
Un besito desde http://www.justforrealgirls.com
Great post!
Much love,
Hadasah | http://www.styletolove.com
Wow, you are looking so beautiful dear, amazing dress!
Love this post! Beautiful dress!!
Love from http://www.trangscorner.com {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}
Nice outfit, I like that dress.
Kisses, DadieB. ~
Love the outfit especially the hairband! Its a little difficult being an introvert in today’s very extroverted oriented world. I do find it difficult myself – everything around us is oriented towards extroverts. I do find it exhausting and need to recharge by myself. I guess as long as you know how to recharge and take care of yourself it should be ok.
ja sam davno shvatila da mi je potrebno “vrijeme za sebe” i mislim da je to baš ono što me privačilo da se bavim sportom ili idem u šetnje prirodom, a drago mi je uvijek i bilo i ostati kući i čitati. Zapravo čitanje je idealna djelatnost jer na taj način i jesmo i nismo sami…..Što se druženja tiče,uvijek su me živcirale konvencije i zato bi u srednjoj školi radije subotom ostala kući i rješavala zadatke iz fizike, a druge dane išla van…uvijek sam imala tu neku averziju prema rutini i sve bi pokušavala raditi na svoj neki način jer me zapravo uvijek bilo strah da ću ako tako ne budem tako radila upasti u onu zamku gdje živiš, a zapravo ne misliš svojom glavom jer ideš nekom inercijom….toga se i danas najviše bojim i zbog toga cijenim to vrijeme provedeno sama s sobom.
Nice outfit! That’s a lovely necklace 🙂 xx
Your glasses!! So cute!!
mallory | https://www.the-drifter.com
This dress is gorgeous on you! I love all of your accessories too! That necklace is so cute!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Lovely post! I would say I’m a little bit of both too. The older I get I don’t care what people think of me.
xo, Mary
awesome read – you are not alone.
xo | Tessa
Hey Natali! What a lovely post <3
I guess I'm also a little bit of both, but it depends on the people I'm around. In big groups, I'm rather introverted but when I'm with my closest friends and family, I'm the loudest and craziest of all 😀
Kisses, Ricarda from https://www.wie-hund-und-katze.com
In love with this necklace!
I would love to keep in touch with you and your posts, want to follow each other on Bloglovin or GFC? Tell me if you do!
I enjoyed reading your post and I could relate a lot to what you said, except for me in my teenage years I was always waiting for everyone to grow up as I didn’t like drinking, nightclubs etc. I liked staying home and watching my favourite movies or reading a good book unfortunately I think the other people that I would have enjoyed the company of were busy doing the same 🙂
I’m a little late commenting here but having just seen your post, I love your bag! It’s just the kind of style I like – I love the detail and shape. I’m not sure I’ll find one here in the UK tho? It was nice to read your post too. Refreshing to hear as a lot of people nowadays seem to be more extrovert. A mix sounds the perfect balance! I’m probably a little bit more towards the introvert…… I’m very friendly and chatty with people I know but it sometimes takes me a while to feel that comfortable. Maybe I’m a bit cautious with trust. I’m happy in my own company tho – which is probably a good thing in my situation! – I like to chill and relax to music or art. I’m definitely not someone who needs to be constantly mingling with groups of people but I do enjoy a trip to the pub or a coffee with friends
I’m an extrovert with a hint of introvert tendency. I need to see friends regularly. I teach for career so once I work, I’m always in front of more or less people. I love that. At the end of the day I need some time for me though. I love going to Starbucks and writing down my thoughts. After these reflective moments, I’m ready to be social again.
Your necklace is so cute <3
xoxo, Lastestbag – Best Bags 2016
Lovely post! you look so beautiful 🙂 perfect Dress <3
Devon and Jones Clothing
So beautiful outfit!