Do you have those days in your life when you think that you’ve “cracked” the code? When you think that you totally got this thing called “life” and what it’s all about. I mean, there has never been more self-help books or inspirational speakers than there are nowadays, all of them teaching you something about life. Their “how to” books on what to do so that you would be happy or what to do so that you would succeed, how to this or how to that… I mean, we can’t be that lost?
You must have experienced those days when you think that everything is just falling perfectly in place, you have a clear vision about everything and you’re in a peace with everybody around you? If the answer is yes, well, congrats, at times, I have those days too… At times I have those kind of days when I’m somewhere in between, in a way as things aren’t maybe happening as fast as I have expected, but they’re still “moving”. Or in a way where I think that you know that person ain’t that correct in how they speak or act, but it ain’t anything real bad to not give them another chance… Or in a way where I have tried to solve this one problem for quite a while now, but hey, there are worser things in life I could be dealing with now.
Then there are those days like the ones that I’m going through right now… When your head hurts from thinking too much, from questioning too much… Those days when you think that everything you thought you knew or understood about life and people was completely wrong. Those days when you think that you could have done so many things differently and even though I don’t like to dwell in the past, sometimes it’s so hard to get rid of the past, because your past actions and choices are affecting the “today” that you’re living in right now.
Yep, not the most uplifting post, but one that I wanted to write down and start a conversation with you my readers… What do you do on those days when they look like a big, blurry mess…? When all of the lines are so intertwined that you have no idea how to separate what’s the “head thinking” and what are the “whisperings of the heart” and how to put these two back in sync with each other?
I’m all about positivity, inspiring people however and whenever I can, but I must say that I’m really tired of all of the “How to” books because what if there is no secret formula for having your thoughts, feelings and life in perfect order? What if it’s absolutely normal to feel and find yourself in a situation where you question if anything ever made sense in your life and it’s absolutely normal to find yourself in a situation in which you tap yourself on the shoulder and feel as if you’re the king of the world.
What if it’s good to every now and then have those days where you’re questioning everything? Aren’t those possibly the moments when you’re “growing”, when you’re indirectly admitting to yourself that you might have been smarter about some things/ choices, that not everybody will be as great as you’ve imagined them to be? Maybe it’s actually necessary to have those days when you’re completely lost? Isn’t that those are the moments when you’re about to see a brighter light on the new path that’s just uncovering in front of you?!
I have survived before those “How to” books, so I think that I’ll be fine now too… My blurry situation and unanswered questions might be in a completely different shape in a week from now and life will again look different and more “understandable” than it is right now. I also believe that we will never really “crack” the code of what life is or how it should be. Living it as honestly, simple and as kind as possible is all that matters…
Bag by Borsha, get a similar bag -> BORSA by Mala Radnja Dizajna
Such a good look! Perfectly styled! So cool. xx, Erin –
Thank you very much Erin!
That bag is so original 🙂
Oh, Natali. Would that I could tell you all there is to know about Life. But the older I get, the less I seem to know.
One thing I do know is that following you, you are worth more than a Million self-help
books. I always feel inspired after reading your posts. xxx
Such a great look! Love your style!!
Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}
Lovely look!! It looks very nice on you 🙂
Love the vintage shirt and double denim… I think our dreams and our goals shift and change as we grow, and it takes out heart and our head a little time to catch up with each other sometimes. But I think it’s definitely good for us sometimes, maybe it will make the heart fight a little harder for a dream we are going to give up on or just stop us repeating an old mistake. We are all human and nobody can be 100% positive all the time. Be kind to yourself, surround yourself with people who know the best of you and your dreams and know that whether its a week, a day or a month, you’ll find your way again.
Trenutno se i sama nalazim u takvoj situaciji… po ‘ko zna koji put… Nikako da mi se poslože sve kockice u životu. Nakon početnog šoka i neizbježnog – zašto se to meni događa, najčešće se povlačim u svoja razmišljanja i analiziram. Pokušavam otkriti trenutak kada su stvari krenule nizbrdo i definirati što slijedeći put nikako ne smijem napraviti. Razgovori s prijateljima ne pomažu jer, pokazalo se, ako netko nije bio u istoj ili sličnoj situaciji neće u potpunosti razumjeti što me muči. Najlakše im je zaključiti da sam si sama kriva što sam se našla u takvoj situaciji.
Ponekad smo prisiljeni na putu do cilja odabrati neko alternativno rješenje (misleći da je to dobro za nas) i surađivati s ljudima za koje se ispostavi da nisu iskreni. Još uvijek mi je teško prihvatiti da su to bili naši učitelji, da je svako zlo za nešto dobro i da se ništa ne događa bez razloga…
I think it is lovely to share our thoughts and concerns with like minded people. And discover we are not alone.
And yes! I too sometimes say the wrong things. So I apologize in advance. Kiss.
That bag is super cute –Hanna Lei
Latest Post: Outfit: Floral Shift Dress
I am in a similar situation right now when the people around me make me question myself. I can’t find a corner to rest and I am way to tired of explaining myself. I call it transition period and I will come out of much stronger.
P.S I despise the ‘how to’ books, never worked for me.
I definitely have a mix of all of this. I’m sorry today is one of the hard days and hope it gets better. Love how you tied that for a belt!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Nice casual outfit.
Congratulations for your magnific post, we love it!
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great outfit!! Have a lovely day!
I love this jacket 🙂
Loving this cute laid back look! Those jeans are fabulous!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Love this look! Thank you for sharing!
The Newsette HQ
great post, and that bag is super cool! 🙂
xoxo Sienna
Love your bag! Xx Susanne –
Good post. I always find that when things are blurry they suddenly come into perspective. Love this total denim look and the tee is great. xoxoxo
Bag is so good xx
You look amazing (once again)!
Loving it with the bag!
x Frederique
Fabulous look. Thanks for sharing. Feel free to visit our page to earn free #sunglasses and make #money by becoming an affiliate.
Eye Feel Shady
Un outfit ideal y el bolso es un amor, un beso. Anny.
Denim on Denim for the win!! 🙂
Great outfit – I love it and your bag is so cute!!
Congratulations for your magnific post, we loved it!
Mention us with your post by twitter (@ivorybrandstr) and we will share it. So you will get promotion.
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The following is based on a letter by Nadine Stair, 85 years old at time of writing, Louisville, KY. it has long been in a little frame on my bedroom table, and thought it needed another airing. It is called, Living Free.
And I quote:
If I had my life to live over, I`d make more mistakes next time. I would relax. I would limber up. I would be sillier than I have been on this trip.
I know of very few things I would take seriously. I would worry less about what others thought of me and I would accept myself as I am.
I would climb more mountains, swim more rivers and watch more sunsets. I would eat more ice cream and less beans. I would watch less T.V. and have more picnics. I would have only actual troubles and very few imaginary ones. I would feel only sad, not depressed. I would be annoyed and not angry. I would be concerned, not anxious. I would regret my mistakes but not feel guilty about them.
I would tell more people that I like them. I would touch my friends. I would forgive others for being human and I would hold no grudges. I would play with more children and listen to more old people. I would go after what I wanted without believing I needed it and wouldn`t place such great value on money. You see I am one of those people who lived cautiously and sensibly and sanely, , hour after hour, day after day. Oh, I have had my moments, and if I had it to do over again, I`d have more of them. I have been one of those people who never goes anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a gargle, a raincoat and a parachute.
Next time I will travel lighter, plant more seeds, make the World more beautiful. I would express my feelings of love without fear.
If I had my life to live over, I would start barefooted earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I`d pick more daisies and I would smile, because I would be `LIVING FREE.`
Ajme imam dojam da se ja svakih par dana nalazim u ovom stanju, ali pogotovo u zadnje vrijeme otkako se faks bliži kraju, a neizvjesnost mi je postala drugo ime. Nikad nisam vjerovala u self-help knjige, pročitala sam par jer su me zanimale, ali uvijek sam smatrala da jedino mi sami sebi možemo pomoći da si posložimo život onako kako želimo. Drugi mogu savjetovati, pisati, nuditi privremena rješenja, ali na kraju svega smo mi ti koji znaju što žele i zbog čega idu nekim putem u životu. A preispitivanje je dobro, to je znak napretka, rasta…zamisli samo da smo stalno sto posto zadovoljni sa svime oko nas i da se oko ničega ponekad ne zapitamo da li je to ono što želimo, pa bilo bi grozno dosadno i uvijek bi ostali isti, na onom jednom nivou (vraćam se na onu fjaku koju smo danas spominjale)…Apsolutne sreće nema, ponekad svi imamo one dane kad ne znamo što bi sa sobom, kad život izgleda prezamršeno, kad ideš naprijed a nemaš pojma što zapravo radiš. I neka nam je tako jer se nakon svega toga uvijek dignemo još jači i bolji :*
I do really love you bag and you t-shirt! You are so beautiful!
Such a chic look! I love that bag, too!
Beautiful photos and lovely look! You look gorgeous as always!!
What a pretty bag!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
Yes and yes! I’m on the same page as you these days… at least these days usually pass. Love this pretty look! XX
me encanta el look!!
necesito esos zapatos!
Such moments happen in life and I believe they are the necessary breaks we need every once in a while to stop, reflect and appreciate all moments in life. Eventually the pieces fall in place and then we understand why everything had to happen in just the way it happened. Just don’t give up, that’s where the strength lies .
In those kind of days, I go for drive and also, I go for shopping. xx
Oh man I totally always think that I have cracked the life code for finding balance and then I’m like….BAM! Just kidding, totally don’t! So I can’t control a lot of things just like you, but at least I can control what I wear!
The Adored Life
Really nice and simple outfit, I love it!
Danika Maia
Lovely outfit!
You look adorable, Natali! I hope your week has gotten better! Thinking of you!
xo, Jennifer
Great post! The bag is so cute! xx
Simple casual laid back look. I love it.x
This scenery is gorgeous and you are a wonderful writer.
That bag is so cute!
Mademoiselle Coconath
Such a chic bag, love it! Xx
I can only say that things do get better 🙂
Marvelous bag and very clean and chic assemble.
That bag is too cute! You’re so chic! xoxo
great photos !
NEW BLOG ! please follow me : YOUNG BLOG
what a lovely look! Cool denim jacket!
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Meni se čini da ja nekada iz stanja apsolutne sreće i spokoja samo odjednom skrenem u duboku provaliju i ne znam ni sama što bih! Mene općenito živciraju svi odlici pametovanja u bilo kojem polju jer, pazi ovo, svi smo INDIVIDUALCI i ako nešto šljaka nekome, drugome možda ne ili malo i baš me živcira nekada to svo pametovanje i pomame oko svega toga… to sam ti već pisala. Po meni, svaka emocija je ljudska. U redu je plakati kao i smijati se. Plaše me ljudi koji su uvijek dobre volje kao i oni koji samo plaču. Bitno je pronaći balans i truditi se pronaći svoj put i sreću… biti zahvalan na darovanome i po putu možda usrećiti još koga drugoga! 🙂
Kombinacija je divna… trapke ti stoje mrak, a torbica je… ah, predivna mi je! Nosila bih je na sveeee… baš ti godi Dalmacija! 🙂
Love that bag!
Wonderful post and writing dear! There are definitely some books that might be an actual help but living in the moment and in kindness is the most important for me! You look amazing by the way, such a cool look and that bag is a great find!
Nice to meet you 🙂
That bag is definitely the highlight of your outfit <3
xoxo, Lastestbag – Best Bags 2016