How to instantly feel better? I have 3 easy ways which always make me feel better. Just before Easter I was feeling very good about myself, my work flow was steady and I would wake up with a very positive attitude each morning. I took some time off to just chill during the Easter but somehow I fell into a “funk” and couldn’t seem to get out of it for the most of the past week. Continue Reading…
Are you looking for the best fair isle sweater? Look no more, I have found THE one and it’s this beautiful piece by JCrew which has been sold out pretty much everywhere. If you would have asked me couple of years ago, I wouldn’t come near a fair isle sweater as that wasn’t something I could picture myself wearing even at coziness of my own home, but little did I know that in Winter 2017/2018 I’ll be all into wearing a fair isle sweater and even get super excited seeing DHL guy delivering it! Continue Reading…
Look at that, less than 2 weeks left until Christmas! The countdown is “on”! As I have already mentioned, I’ve been loving seeing the Christmas lights, decorations, etc. all over the city and am still in the process of decorating my own home for Christmas too. We got a small Christmas tree with some girly ornaments and all that needs to be done is to take some chilled back moment with my daughter to put it all up nicely.
If you wish to follow my daily adventures and small highlights of any random day, do follow me on @natakar Instagram profile. There will be also great giveaways starting as of today, so keep your eyes on it! One of the things I’ll be giving away is a star of today’s outfit, but I won’t reveal it all just yet.
Time… Took me by my wings, kept me places and surrounded by the souls I was not prepared to travel to or meet. Time also brought me to places and got me to meet souls who have been such an essence of my life. Some places and people will make you feel as if the time has stopped or at least you forget about checking your watch and can barely hear that little ticking reminding us that each tick-tock makes our star dust made bodies older and more vulnerable, closer to it’s expiration date.
Over the past week and half, it got really cold and very Wintery in Helsinki. First snow arrived and so did the low temp., slippery ground and ice tramps everywhere. Trench coats and sneakers were replaced by layers and layers of clothes, Winter coats and boots. I have to admit that I did love the appearance of the snow, but I did not enjoy one bit of coldness and having to wear tons of layers. The forecast savvy people are predicting that the snow will melt away by the end of this week and that the weather will warm up a little before Narnia like snow storms come back again.
I love book shops… Yes, I’m that girl which is “old fashioned” and will always prefer having a physical book or CD in her hands than to buy it online as kindle or just have it downloaded on my iTunes. As I’m browsing through the rows of massive amount of books, looking for some inspiration as well as a possible Christmas presents to some of my dear people, I come across a book… Book which imprinted a “WHAT?!” type of grin on my face. Continue Reading…
I’m starting this Monday with a bit different post by introducing you to Happiness Boutique, an online destination for unique and accessible jewellery. Happiness boutique’s main aim is to bring you their two biggest inspirations: fashion and happiness in one place.
If you’ve been reading my blog and following my photography work for a while now, you might have noticed that I’m a very emotional person… Somebody who wears her heart on her sleeve, somebody who “triple feels” everything so deeply… When I was little, I’ve been always told to suppress my feelings, to not show them easily and not to everybody. Do you think I’ve learned how to do that? Nope, but I did learn something else… How to mask my feelings.
Good Monday morning everybody! How was your weekend? I hope that you had as much fun and great times as I did. I feel that I was all over the place ever since September started and I’ve been very happy and thankful for that, because I’ve met some incredibly amazing and inspiring people, I’ve spent lots of time with friends, attended some cool events and did tons of work as well as my conceptual photography shooting/ planning and agreeing on the future shoots. I’m set on having an exhibition next year in Spring and if everything goes well and as planned, creating it will keep me very occupied and hopefully on the top of my creative game until the end of this year.
Couple of days ago, I watched a movie and while it was an awesome comedy which made me laugh a lot, it actually shook me up for a moment and made me think… It made me think about the fact of “needing”. I wondered where does this feeling come from? I have and still see it’s presence in my life. Needing this, that or somebody has always been part of my daily life. How many times do you catch yourself needing something or someone?
True, there is a beautiful comfort in having somebody to share your life with, to lay out your worries and thoughts and not get judged, there is a great feeling of having something, like a good car that you can get around with, a home to have the roof over your head, etc. BUT! How about the daily needs of things and people which we often think that we can’t live without? Then you wake up someday, by your choice or by a “mistake” and realise that you, in fact, can live without so much and still be the happiest person alive.
I can tell you that when I had the most in my life ( materialistically ) and was constantly surrounded by and at the same time needing lots of people, I was the most unhappiest. Cleaning out your closet of unnecessary things which you though that you NEED, cleaning out your life of bad influence and people with the wrong energy, friends or even relatives that you thought you NEEDed to be happy or complete, can bring such a closure and shine a new light in your life.
Sure, it will also bring you to face the mirror and the person, the only person that you truly need to be in touch with – YOUR INNER SELF. If you can look yourself in the mirror for longer than a minute ( not counting you getting ready for a night out and putting your make up on ) tell me how incredible and movig that was for you?! That moment of realisation that you’re special, you’re strong and that when you’re best friends with yourself, you’ll conquer anything and everything… You won’t be needing things and people, because you will see them in a completely different way. You’ll see them as a true gift and enrichment of your life, rather than a discomfortable feeling of “having-not having” and needing!
Everything you need or ever might NEED, you have it all hidden inside of you. The biggest power and all of the beauty are within you. Stop wasting them needing an approval from things or people… Stop needing other people or things to fix up your life and make it special. You need yourself, so let go of the chains and start breathing… Without needing!
Happy Wednesday everybody!
I’m wearing: Boots – Minna Parikka, Bag – Givenchy, Coat – MaxMara, Sweatshirt & scarf – Kenzo, Blouse – Massimo Dutti, Jeans – Tiger of Sweden, Bracelet – Balenciaga, Ring – Deni design