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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

What is beautiful?

September 26, 2016

We are born perfect. Little angels sent to the hands of our parents, completely unaware of anything, not even having a good sight, not being able to speak or move on our own, yet, we come to this earth as a perfection. Our parents see us as a beautiful gift… As we grow up and become more aware of ourselves and world that surrounds us, we realise that there are equally wonderful, perfect human beings around us too. We see our parents as our queens and kings, moms are the most beautiful creatures ever and dads are the charmers in their own way too. 😉 When we looked at ourselves in the mirror as little babies or toddlers, we would finally be aware of ourselves too. We would see how beautiful and cute we are, we would smile back at the reflection in the mirror and run off happily, minding our own day…

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Better than you

September 12, 2016

Good Monday morning everybody! How was your weekend? I hope that you had as much fun and great times as I did. I feel that I was all over the place ever since September started and I’ve been very happy and thankful for that, because I’ve met some incredibly amazing and inspiring people, I’ve spent lots of time with friends, attended some cool events and did tons of work as well as my conceptual photography shooting/ planning and agreeing on the future shoots. I’m set on having an exhibition next year in Spring and if everything goes well and as planned, creating it will keep me very occupied and hopefully on the top of my creative game until the end of this year.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Different kind

August 29, 2016

Being of a different kind… Let me tell you, not an easy path to follow. Ever since my birth, I was of a different kind and it took me a loooong time to recognise and then accept this. While I always knew deep down inside who I am, what I feel, think and what I want, I had hard times accepting the fact that being of a different kind means walking many different roads often alone than with a company.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Tainted love

August 22, 2016

I belive that we were all born as a loving human beings. That love was installed in our “factory settings” and loving something or somebody should come easily and naturally to us… Yet, we use “love” so easily and often, we give it to the wrong people and take it from the right people, we complicate it when it shouldn’t be complicated and we leave it hanging when it should be cared for. That is what I call tainted love.

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Zaful dress

August 15, 2016

Good Monday morning everybody! I’m happy to start a new week presenting you my new Zaful dress. I’ve been approached by kind people at Zaful whom wanted me to choose a piece of clothing and as soon as I saw this dress, I knew that I wanted to have it. It’s so “me” since I’m a big sucker for anything feminine and floral.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Espadrilles love

August 10, 2016

Good Wednesday everybody! I felt like writing just a “chit-chat” kind of post and also present you my love for these espadrilles. I have literally spent half of my Summer in them, they’re so comfy and I can combine them with almost anything in my closet. If you haven’t, I can wholeheartedly suggest you to invest in a pair of good espadrilles.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Dear Frances

August 8, 2016




Dear Frances, I’ve been meaning to write you… Thank you for making me feel so feminine, empowered, confident and strong! Thank you for being a perfect “cherry on top” to a newly found old me, just better, more improved version. I’m approaching my 29th birthday and I have never felt better in my own skin. Pair of shoes like these… Work like a pure magic in how a girl feels!

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Lifestyle, Outfits

Pepsi girl

August 1, 2016


Pepsi girl… That’s it, that’s where any connection between me and Pepsi or me and fizzy drinks stops. I used to be into all those drinks when I was little up until I was about 19, which means that for the past decade I didn’t have any, not even when going out and drinking some… ahem, alcohol. 😀 But I do love these kind of simple, loose “Pepsi girl” t-shirts which you can style however you want and I chose to style it in a sporty way.

Pepsi tyttö… siihen se jääkin sitten se minun ja Pepsin tai oikeastaan minkä tahansa poreilevan juoman suhde. Rakastin vastaavia juomia, silloin kun olin nuori, tai siihen asti kun täytin noin 19 vuotta. Mikä tarkoittaa sitä etten ole nauttinut yhtään limua viimeiseen vuosikymmeneen. En myöskään bailatessa ja nauttiessani…öhm alkoholia. Mutta rakastan näitä yksinkertaisia, löysiä “Pepsi tyttö” t-paitoja. Joita voi stailata ihan kuinka tahansa. Ja minä päätin stailata sen urheilullisella tavalla.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

Patched up

July 18, 2016


Patches are very popular this season! I have seen denim, camo and bomber jackets in stores and online which have some really cute and cool patches on them. I simply couldn’t pass on getting this bomber jacket, mostly because of the patch on the back that says “dream”. Yes… I’m a dreamer… Patched up one!

Hihamerkit ovat tämän kauden trendi. Olen nähnyt vaatekaupoissa tai nettikaupoissa farkku-, camo- ja pilottitakkeja, joihin on ommeltu nättejä ja makeita hihamerkkejä. En malttanut olla hankkimatta tätä pilottitakkia, lähinnä sen selässä olevan Dreamer (uneksija) merkin takia. Kyllä…olen uneksija…paikattu uneksija.

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Lifestyle, My Work, Outfits

CLUSE watches

July 11, 2016


I’m 28 and am only 3 months away from my 29th birthday. I can honestly say that I’m excited to start the last year of my 20s. I’m loving the woman I’m becoming and I’m loving the outlook on life I’ve been carving by collecting all of the ups and downs, learning about my weaknesses and recognising my strengths… I don’t know why is everybody making a big deal about 30s because I can’t wait for my 30s and all of the smarts and confidence that come with them.

Olen 28 vuotias ja 3 kuukauden päässä 29 vuotis synttäreistäni. Ja voin rehellisesti sanoa että olen innoissani siitä että viimeinen vuosi on alkamassa ennen kolmekyppisiäni. Rakastan sitä naista joksi minä olen muuttumassa. Ja rakastan sitä elämänkatsomusta jota olen veistämässä itselleni keräämällä ylä- ja alamäkiä matkallani. Opin ymmärtämään heikkouteni ja vahvuuteni… En oikeen ymmärrä sitä että miksi kaikki tekevät siitä niin suuren numeron että täyttää kolmekymmentä. Maltan tuskin odottaa sitä hetkeä ja sitä viisautta ja itsevarmuutta jonka se tuo mukanaan.

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